Raw scan data and 8-bit grayscale images (jpg) of each scan were exported from the OCT device for further analysis. Raw data (32-bit) and 8-bit jpg images were displayed in grayscale (4096 and 256 grayscales, respectively). Because grayscale levels were used to analyze the reflectivity and not decibels, as provided by the OCT, arbitrary units were used instead of decibels. Calculation of light reflectivity profiles (LRPs) was performed using IGOR 5.04a (Wavemetrics Inc., Lake Oswego, OR). Raw OCT data were loaded into a two-dimensional data matrix of 512 columns in which each data column represented a single depth scan with 1024 data points, and jpg data were imported into a two-dimensional data matrix of 689 columns in which one column represented one pixel line within the jpg image containing 329 data points. No smoothing filters were applied to the imported data. LRP reflectivity values ranged from 0 to 4095 for raw data and from 0 to 255 for 8-bit images. LRPs were calculated for jpg and raw data every 100 μm along each OCT scan by averaging three adjacent single-depth scans for raw data and two adjacent single LRPs for jpg data. This procedure smoothed the curve and emphasized the peaks. Reflectivity in all LRPs was expressed in arbitrary units. P1 (retinal pigment epithelium), the peak that always showed the highest reflectivity, was used as a reference. Based on the findings in unfiltered OCT images, ranges for detecting peaks P2 to P6 were set as mean position in micrometers ±2 SD.
LRPs were analyzed for reflectivity of the different peaks in raw and processed data in normal and ND filter readings. Peaks were detected using the built-in multipeak finding routine of IGOR. Background reflectivity (noise) was measured in the vitreous, 0.5 mm above the surface of the neuroretina.