Correlations between MP and constituent carotenoids in diet and serum are known to be weak. In a study of 1698 women, dietary intake of L and Z explained 3% of the variability in MPOD. Adding measures of body fat, the presence of diabetes, and the serum levels of L and Z resulted in the model explaining some 12% of the variance in MPOD.
16 Likewise, in the LUNA study, supplementation with L and Z, resulted in variable increases of MPOD. The authors comment that in a substantial proportion of the participants, no change in MPOD was detected despite increases in serum concentrations of carotenoids.
17 Although it is recognized that there is imprecision associated with calculation of micronutrient intakes based on dietary questionnaires which are subject to measurement error and recall bias, this is not the case with serum L and Z. Should this lack of correlation between serum and tissue concentrations matter when there are many explanations for the poor associations between serum L (and Z) and MP OD? Adipose tissue is a major storage organ for carotenoids, and it is believed that there may be competition between retina and adipose tissue for uptake of lutein, a hypothesis consistent with the observed preferential uptake of L by body fat.
18 19 Retinal capture of circulating carotenoids is mediated by specific xanthophyll-binding proteins (XBPs), and local tissue expression of these proteins could strongly influence tissue uptake.
20 The RPE-choroid complex may represent an intermediate control and transfer point for L and Z uptake by the neurosensory retina from circulating carotenoids, and this exchange may be influenced by an individual’s lipoprotein and apolipoprotein profiles, creating yet another cause of variation.
21 Stabilization of L and Z within the retina is subject to local oxidant load.
22 Indeed, some investigators have attributed the accumulation of L and Z at the macula to the resistance of these particular xanthophylls to degradation by radical-initiated auto-oxidation.
3 Genetic factors influence MP levels.
23 In a study of 150 twin pairs, in whom MP OD distribution profiles were measured with two-wavelength AF, genetic modeling confirmed that the profiles correlated more highly among monozygotic than among dizygotic twins.
23 From the foregoing, it is clear that many factors have the potential to influence carotenoid levels in the macula, which could account for the observed weak relationship between MP OD and circulating levels of these pigments. Regardless, the lack of robust technology for in vivo measurements of MP also remains a major cause of concern. The LUXEA (Lutein Xanthophyll Eye Accumulation), a double blind, randomized, controlled trial, showed only a small effect on MP peak OD after supplementation with L, Z, or both.
24 MP OD increased by 15% on supplementation with L or L+Z. Supplementation with Z alone, appeared to result in an augmentation of MP at both the fovea and at the parafovea; consequently, the log ratio of readings taken at these two retinal loci did not change. The trial used a model that assumed that that MP did not increase at the eccentric retinal location after supplementation and a 14% increase in MP OD after supplemental Z was reported.
24 Thus, the topographic distribution of L and Z during supplementation with xanthophylls can act as confounders when using methods that simply rely on point estimates and ratio calculations. Improving the methodology to allow the spatial distribution of L and Z to be accurately plotted should result in more robust estimates of actual in vivo concentrations of these pigments.