We found reduced VEGF in 50/10 OIR+ SO compared with 50/10 OIR but not reduced tissue hypoxia. Again, we took care to treat eyes equally, and our data include minimal background signal of HP after euthanatization. In the kitten OIR model, Ernest
6 reported that once avascular retina occurred from hyperoxia induced vaso-obliteration, breathing oxygen did not result in an increase in preretinal oxygen over the avascular retinal areas, though it did initially cause an increase in preretinal oxygen tension over the vascular areas.
6 Berkowitz et al.
12 found that supplemental oxygen (SO) given over 6 days after 50/10 OIR in the rat, led to a reduced ΔP
o 2 or a difference in arterial oxygen levels after breathing 95% O
2, 5% CO
2 (carbogen), and 21% O
2. (Carbogen breathing can relax the autoregulatory effect of retinal vessels, preventing the constriction seen in hyperoxia or hypertension.) The reduced ΔP
o 2 in the group rescued in supplemental oxygen suggested a failure in autoregulatory or perfusion reserve, and it can be interpreted as a dysfunction in constriction of retinal vessels in high oxygen or a failure of dilation in low oxygen. Because these pups also had high levels of systemic arterial P
o 2, lower ΔP
o 2 may indicate higher retinal vascular oxygen concentration during supplemental oxygen, which was also what Ernest found initially over the vascular retina in the kitten study.
6 Cells within the inner retina (Müller cells and ganglion cells) sense hypoxia and are the major producers of VEGF.
61 Increased oxygen to the retina would reduce the stimulus for VEGF expression. Meanwhile, as photoreceptor development occurs and the metabolic demand of the outer retina increases, more oxygen is required. Recent evidence implicates the photoreceptors in creating oxygen demand that results in features of severe retinopathy seen in models of ROP.
62 63 Furthermore, the choroid, which is a main supplier of oxygen in the areas of avascular retina, may not be able to meet the oxygen demand because, unlike the choroid in the adult rat, the choroid in the P15 rat was unable to support increased oxygen tension with supplemental oxygen.
64 Therefore, given that the metabolic demand of the photoreceptors is inadequately met by the choroidal and retinal vasculatures, it is possible that supplemental oxygen may increase oxygen tension in the retinal vasculature that has a dysfunctional autoregulatory capacity but that still leads to overall retinal hypoxia.