The main findings of this study are that the amplitude of s-OCR was significantly decreased in paretic eyes during ipsilesional head tilt, but normal during contralesional head tilt. Furthermore, after IO weakening surgery, there was a significant decrease in s-OCR for contralesional head tilt. Our previous small case series involving SO palsy showed that the s-OCR gain (i.e., the ratio of the degree of s-OCR to the inclination of the head tilt angle in paretic eyes on ipsilesional head tilt with SO muscle atrophy) was significantly decreased in comparison with that in patients without SO muscle atrophy.
20 Thus, in accordance with several previous studies,
1–12,14,16 we inferred that the oblique muscles play an important role in OCR during head tilt in the roll plane and concluded that the amount of s-OCR is a useful index for assessing the function of the SO muscle.
There have been few studies on the measurement of s-OCR in patients with SO palsy. Simonsz et al.
11 reported no significant relation between hypertropia in paretic eyes on ipsilesional head tilt and the amplitude of s-OCR. They described little difference in the amount of s-OCR of the paretic eye between ipsi- and contralesional head tilt in 23 patients with clinically diagnosed SO palsy and concluded that if an SO is paretic, there is less s-OCR. They recorded eye movements under a binocular viewing measurement condition using photographic methods and found 4.6 (2.1)° for ipsilesional head tilt and 4.3 (2.0)° for contralesional head tilt. In their experiment, 7 (30%) patients showed a decreased amount of s-OCR, whereas 7 (30%) revealed an increased s-OCR during ipsilesional head tilt. A possible reason for the difference between their and our results is the difference in measurement conditions. We measured under the monocular viewing condition, in which case s-OCR is less likely to be influenced by any cyclovergence movements that occur during binocular viewing. As Misslisch et al.
24 have pointed out, with convergence, OCR is suppressed, presumably to help to maintain stereoscopic vision. Another reason may be a difference in the cause of SOP between the two groups (Simonsz et al.
11 included acquired SOP) since there was good agreement of the maximum and mean amplitude of s-OCR in normal subjects between both studies.
BHP is a clinical test for determining the side affected by the SO palsy. Although the biomechanical basis for BHP is not fully understood, it is usually attributed to a loss of downward torque of the palsied SO.
Figure 6 shows that as the amplitude of s-OCR decreased, the amount of difference in hyperdeviation between head-tilt and head-upright increased. This occurred because there was more superior rectus (SR) activation needed to counteract the lack of s-OCR. In our study, however, the degree of hyperdeviation did not correlate with the amplitude of s-OCR on ipsilesional head tilt, raising questions about the precise relationship between BHP and the function of the SO muscle. Kono et al.
25 also concluded that the cross-sectional area of the SO muscle on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not account for the variation in BHP in patients with SO palsy when the diagnosis is based on clinical features alone. Kushner
26 claimed that the BHP may be positive in patients with vertical strabismus due to dissociated hyperdeviation, previous vertical muscle surgery, skew deviation, myasthenia gravis, or small nonparalytic and hyperdeviations associated with horizontal strabismus. Consequently, a positive result in a three-step test is not specific for SOP. Recent studies have shown that SO palsy diagnosed on clinical criteria alone is a heterogenous group of diseases. SO palsy may not necessarily be neurologic, because abnormalities of the tendon of the SO muscle,
5–7,8,27 of the orbital pulleys,
28,29 or other mechanical causes may induce vertical strabismus. Patients in whom MRI was used to diagnose SO palsy based on clinical features alone commonly showed an SO muscle with a normal cross-sectional area and normal contractility. In other words, these patients have a pattern of cyclohyperdeviation that can mimic SO palsy.
28,29 Incomitant vertical strabismus can mimic the pattern of SO palsy. Simulations with a biomechanical simulator (Orbit 1.8; Eidactics, San Francisco, CA) suggest that vertical mislocation of the horizontal rectus muscle pulley can produce a clinical pattern of SO underaction and IO overaction without postulating any SO weakness.
30 Kono and Demer
29 confirmed and extended this finding in patients with incomitant vertical strabismus diagnosed as SO palsy, but demonstrated by MRI as rectus pulley heterotopy.
Biomechanical simulations predict that the SO muscle itself generates too small a vertical force to account for the marked hypertropia on ipsilesional head tilt typically observed in SO palsy. Robinson
31 showed that a loss of downward torque of the SO muscle would only explain a BHP of 2.8°, whereas most patients had much larger values.
32 Quaia et al.
33 based on mechanical simulations, suggested that variations in the anatomic location of the insertion of the SO tendon can have a large impact on the pattern of deviation in SOP. Other secondary innervational or mechanical changes of the palsied muscle and the vertical rectus muscle are also suggested as causes of intersubject differences in BHP. Central adaptive mechanisms could amplify the otolith reflex to reduce the compensatory head tilt required for binocular single vision. This mechanism would reflect increased activation of the SR of the contralesional eye and of the IR of the ipsilesional eye, thus decreasing the hyperdeviation. The action of the vertical rectus muscles would then dominate that of the IO muscle, enabling binocular single vision with a relatively small head tilt. This mechanism could potentially lead to hypertropia on ipsilesional head tilt.
34,35 However, in our study the preoperative mean amplitude of s-OCR in the paretic eye on contralesional head-tilt was not significantly different from the normal control. In addition, no significant change in the mean amplitude of s-OCR in the paretic eye on ipsilesional head-tilt was noted, although hyperdeviation on head tilt significantly decreased after surgery. Based on our study, such an adaptation mechanism
32 does not account for the large hyperdeviation encountered clinically, but innervational or mechanical alternations may affect the SR of the paretic eye on ipsilesional head tilt.
Why was there a significant decrease in hyperdeviation on ipsilesional head tilt after IO-weakening surgery, even though the amplitude of s-OCR on ipsilesional head tilt did not change significantly? Recently, Kushner
36 presented an interesting hypothesis of anticompensatory torsional movements that eliminates dynamic compensatory counterrolling and occurs in the direction of head tilt.
5,6,8–10,12,13,15 Shan et al.
37 also show that torsional optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in monkey include quick phases which is the equivalent of anticompensatory torsional movements. According to Kushner's hypothesis, during the initial anticompensatory torsional movement, the IR and IO of the paretic eye are stimulated on ipsilesional head-tilt; thereafter, extorsional movements occur due to the relaxation of ipsilesional SO. Considering this hypothesis and our findings, a postoperative decrease of hypertropia on ipsilesional head tilt could be interpreted as an overpowering of the IR of the paretic eye, because the IR of the paretic eye is unopposed during anticompensatory torsional movement after IO-weakening surgery.
IO-weakening resulted in a greater loss of contralesional s-OCR than ipsilesional. This finding indicates that IO muscle largely contributes as an extorter during torsion with contralateral head tilt, and that OCR is primarily mediated by change in forces generated by the SO and IO muscles rather than by the vertical rectus muscles.
We found a significant negative correlation between the amplitude of s-OCR on ipsilesional head tilt of the paretic eye and the difference in hyperdeviation between ipsilesional head tilt and head-upright position. This result demonstrated that the amplitude of s-OCR is primarily reflected in the difference in hyperdeviation between ipsilesional head tilt and a head-upright position, not on ipsilesional head tilt alone. The amplitude of s-OCR in six patients (86%) with a 10° or larger difference in hyperdeviation between head tilt and head-upright position was smaller than the lower limit of the 95% CI of s-OCR amplitude. If the s-OCR amplitude in ipsilesional head tilt position represents SO muscle function, the difference in hyperdeviation between ipsilesional head tilt and head-upright position may be an alternative indicator of SO function.
There are some limitations to our study. We included patients with decompensated SO palsy, but not patients with acute SO palsy. Therefore, the associated contracture of agonist and antagonist muscles could have affected the s-OCR measurements. This effect could have resulted in a nonsignificant relation between the hyperdeviation on ipsilesional head tilt and the amplitude of s-OCR, because the amount of hyperdeviation can be accounted for mainly by innervational changes of the vertical rectus muscles.
In summary, we found no relationship between s-OCR and hypertropia on ipsilesional head tilt, which suggests that hypertropia on ipsilesional head tilt does not specifically reflect SO function in clinically diagnosed SO palsy. The difference in hypertropia between the head tilt and the upright position, however, may be a better indicator of SO function.
Supported in part by Grant-in-Aid 19592023 from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, Culture, and Technology of Japan; and the Koyama Fund.
The authors thank David Zee, Howard Ying, Xiaoyan Shan, and Jing Tian for help with the manuscript.