Two-dimensional images in this study provided evidence of the dynamic nature of the endothelium after corneal transplantation. In some cases, as early as 18 months after transplantation, recipient endothelial cells completely replaced donor cells, after which graft failure due to endothelial decompensation invariably ensued. In these cases, the condition of the donor tissue, surgical trauma, or immunologic reaction may have facilitated the replacement.
3,14,16,17 In grafts in which both donor and recipient cells coexisted, the pattern of recipient cell population of the graft was highly variable. In some cases, large regions of recipient endothelial cells appeared to invade the graft, whereas in other, isolated cases, single recipient cells appeared at disparate locations in the graft. In a few cases, a peripheral, circumferential repopulation of the graft by recipient endothelial cells occurred, as would be expected for a slow, orderly replacement of endothelium over time; however, these cases were exceptional. Our results notably contradict earlier findings of Ruusuvaara,
12 who suggested very little migration of recipient endothelial cells into the graft. Significant and rapid recipient endothelial cell migration into the graft can occur, apparently unimpeded by scar tissue at the recipient-to-graft interface. Endothelial cell division in human corneas is believed to be rare; instead, damaged endothelium is believed to heal by the spreading and sliding of adjacent live cells.
1,3 Our observations of differing patterns of donor cell replacement and the presence of isolated recipient cells in the graft surrounded by donor cells is somewhat puzzling in this context. Recipient endothelial cells apparently do not always repopulate the graft en masse, and individual cells from the peripheral recipient endothelium appear to migrate far into the graft. Although the possibility that individual, isolated recipient cells were of nonendothelial origin (e.g., bone marrow–derived) cannot be excluded, the consistency of the nuclear size and morphology of recipient cells with surrounding donor-derived endothelial nuclei and the distribution of the cells (see for example,
Fig. 3) strongly suggests a corneal endothelial phenotype. In future studies, endothelial cell–specific markers could be used to confirm cell phenotype, or alternatively, specular microscope photographs of the central corneal endothelium (taken before explantation) could be used to examine cell density, morphology, and phenotype. The presence, however, of 10 grafts in this study and 9 in our previous study,
15 which all exhibited full replacement by recipient endothelium, suggests the ability of individual peripheral recipient endothelial cells to traverse the wound and migrate to the central cornea. Another possibility is that mitotic division, in addition to migration, contributed to the repopulation of graft endothelium. Although the mitotic potential of human corneal endothelial cells is believed to be limited,
1 evidence of mitosis in humans both in vitro and in vivo has been reported.
18–20 Moreover, studies of mitotic endothelial division in response to a corneal wound
1 may not adequately reflect the in vivo mitotic stimuli that exist in the context of allotransplantation.
20,21 From our results, we speculate that a variable initial migration (and possibly division) of recipient and/or donor endothelium on the graft (dependent on factors such as donor tissue status and degree of surgical trauma), followed by endothelial cell attrition after transplantation
3 (of both donor and recipient cells, presumably at various locations in the graft), may account for the varied patterns of endothelial replacement observed at the time of graft removal. The use of specific markers to determine the extent of endothelial cell migration or division and the use of specular microscopy to record endothelial cell densities remain interesting possibilities for a more detailed future investigation of endothelial cell dynamics in explanted grafts.