Demographics | Age, sex | |
AECC criteria | Dry eye symptoms, dry mouth symptoms, dry eye signs (positive Schirmer or rose bengal), salivary flow positive | Biopsy, serum antibodies for Ro and/or La. |
Variables associated with the AECC criteria | Severity of dry eye symptoms (0–10), years of dry eye, severity of dry mouth symptoms (0–10), years of dry mouth, rose bengal (RB) staining score of 4/9 or greater, RB value in worse eye 0–9, Schirmer failed (i.e., ≤5 mm, Schirmer value worse eye), unstimulated salivary flow score, stimulated salivary flow score | Biopsy focus score 0–4, Chisholm Mason biopsy score 3–4 (at least 1 focus in 4mm) is SS. |
Ro present, La present |
Systemic autoimmune diagnoses | Presence of mixed connective tissue (CT) disease, CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud's, esophageal, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia), RA, SLE, PBC | |
Other signs of autoimmune disease | Parotid swell, myalgia, arthralgia, fibromyalgia, lymphoma, X-ray positive | |
Other systemic diseases | Diabetes, hypothyroid | |
Blood work | | IgG, IgM, IgA, M spike, WBC, ANA, RF, ATA, Anti-mic, TSH, AMA, SMA |
Other systemic symptoms | Presence of: dysphagia, dyspepsia, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, Raynaud's, dry skin, pruritus, rash, alopecia, photosensitive skin | |
Medications by category | Diuretics, depression, anticholinergics, anti–inflammatories | |
Other eye signs | Meibomian gland dysfunction, superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (SLK), blepharitis | |
Rose bengal stain | Score 0–3: Worse eye (WE) temporal stain, WE corneal stain, WE nasal stain, each eye total of 3 areas | |
Fluorescein stain | Presence of at least grade 1: WE temporal cornea, WE nasal cornea, WE superior cornea, WE inferior cornea, WE central cornea, each cornea by five quadrants | |
| Corneal stain of any kind | |
Dental information | Missing teeth 0–32, filled teeth, cervical cavities, D score 0–32, DMF (dentate, missing filled), candidiasis | |