In this work, we translated these quantitative descriptions of local laminar microarchitecture into a continuum-level mathematical description of the local directional stiffness of the LC. That is, the details of the microarchitecture were homogenized within FE-sized volumes such that the bulk material properties assigned to each LC element described the local direction-dependent stiffness of the associated enclosed laminar microarchitecture. Specifically, we assumed that the LC could be described as linearly elastic and orthotropic such that the stiffness in three mutually perpendicular directions could assume different values, mimicking an approach used for modeling the microstructure of trabecular bone.
36 These three material stiffnesses and their associated Poisson's ratios and shear moduli were calculated using the following relationships:
Ei is the orthotropic Young's moduli (MPa);
A is a global laminar material constant reflecting the intrinsic stiffness of the LC connective tissue (MPa); ρ is the local connective tissue volume fraction;
Hi is the eigenvalues of the local fabric tensor, which reflect the relative degree of orthotropic anisotropy (and therefore directional stiffness) due to the microarchitectural arrangement of the laminar beams; ν
ij is the orthotropic Poisson's ratios; and
Gij is the orthotropic shear moduli (MPa), where
j, = 1, 2, 3 represents each of the three principal orthotropic material directions unique to each element. We used the convention that the eigenvalues of the fabric tensor were normalized so that
H1 +
H2 +
H3 = 1 and were ordered as
H1 ≥
H2 ≥
H3, as described in our previous study.
27 Note that the exponent applied to the ρ term in
equation 1 is relatively common in porous materials, but that in practice an appropriate value is determined experimentally.
37–41 Similarly, the exponent associated with the eigenvalue terms
Hi would typically be determined experimentally. By ordering and normalizing the eigenvalues as described, the effect was to make the
i = 1 direction—the predominant beam direction—correspond to the greatest stiffness and the two and three directions correspond to the lesser and least stiff directions, respectively.
39,42,43 Finally, the assumed Poisson's ratio of ν
13 = 0.45 imparts near incompressibility to the tissue in the principal direction and the prescribed value is similar to those reported by Battaglioli and Kamm
44 for bovine sclera.