The use of spectral interferometry to measure the thickness of the precorneal tear film and its thinning between blinks has been described.
10,11 For the current study, the method was modified to improve measurement of lipid layer thickness.
Figure 1a shows reflectance of the lipid layer as a function of lipid thickness and wave number (1/wavelength) derived from the interference theory of thin films.
12,13 Published values were used for the refractive indices of the lipid and aqueous layers,
14,15 and the effect of dispersion (variation with wave number) was included. In these plots, which use an absolute scale of reflectance, it is seen that reflectance increases as a function of lipid thickness up to approximately 100 nm, accompanied by changes in the slope and shape of the spectral reflectance curve. In previous versions of our optical system, measurement of absolute reflectance was not possible because any misalignment of the eye reduced the intensity of light entering the entrance slit of the spectrophotometer. Given this uncertainty in absolute reflectance, lipid layer thickness was estimated from the slope and shape information contained in the relative reflectance spectra in
Figure 1b, where the spectra have been scaled to match at a central wave number. It is seen that the relative reflectance spectra of
Figure 1b give more limited information about lipid thickness than the absolute reflectance spectra of
Figure 1a; for example, lipid thicknesses of 40 and 60 nm give similar relative reflectance spectra (
Fig. 1b), whereas the absolute reflectance spectra show a much larger difference (
Fig. 1a).
A simplified diagram of the optical system for measuring absolute spectral reflectance is shown in
Figure 2; further details, including the ocular alignment system and the calibration of spectral reflectance, have been described.
10,11 The aim was that a constant fraction of the light reflected from the tear film should enter the spectrophotometer, despite any moderate misalignment of the eye, such as shown in
Figure 2. A narrow beam of light (thick rays in
Fig. 2) was focused down to a small spot (33-μm diameter) on the tear film. If the eye misalignment was not too great, the reflected beam (
Fig. 2, thin rays) was not obstructed by the optical system (e.g., lenses L
2 and L
3); hence, the recorded intensity was directly proportional to the spectral reflectance of the tear layer. A relatively broad entrance slit of the spectrophotometer was used to avoid any obstruction of the reflected beam.
Lipid layer thickness was estimated in two different ways: it was assumed to be either uniform or variable within the measurement spot. In the latter, it was assumed that the probability distribution of lipid thickness was given by a Gaussian function of log thickness. The reason for using this probability distribution rather than simply a Gaussian function of thickness was that it avoids the logical impossibility that some of the lipid layer would have a negative thickness. Plotted on a linear thickness scale, the assumed probability distribution is skewed so that the mean thickness is greater than the median thickness. Thus, three estimates of lipid thickness were obtained, one on the uniform lipid thickness assumption and two—mean and median thickness—on the variable thickness assumption. Least square fits to the reflectance spectra for the variable thickness assumption were generally considerably better than for the uniform thickness assumption. Additionally, high-resolution imaging studies indicated that some variability of lipid thickness is to be expected within the measurement spot.
16 However, the simplicity of the uniform thickness assumption made it worth considering. When the eye was badly misaligned so that some of the light did not pass through the collecting optics, the apparent absolute reflectance was not consistent with the slope and shape of the reflectance spectrum; in this case, the root-mean-square error of the least squares fit was increased, and data from that spectrum were rejected if this error was greater than 1% or 3% for the variable thickness or uniform thickness assumption, respectively. It is important to emphasize that lipid thickness is measured at the identical time and location as the measure of tear film thinning. Thus, the method is able to simultaneously measure the impact of lipid layer thickness on tear film thinning (e.g., evaporation).