The present study presents refractive error data for a larger, nonselected group of children and young adults with CP than has previously been reported. In agreement with previous studies of CP the present study found a wide range of refractive errors in the CP group,
2,4,16,24,25 and a significantly higher proportion of low-moderate and high refractive errors compared to the control group.
1,2 The study had four main findings.
Refractive error is more common in CP than in typically developing children. Published data from cohorts of non-CP newborns describe a normal distribution of refractive errors, whereas older children and adult refractive errors demonstrate a markedly skewed (leptokurtic) distribution with a peak at the attainment of emmetropia.
26 The distribution of our CP refractive error data is quite different from that of the developmentally normal population (and our control group), with a less leptokurtic profile. Sobrado et al.
1 suggest that there is a failure to emmetropize in CP. The distribution of refractive errors in our data points to an individual failure to emmetropize, but prospective data would be needed to confirm this hypothesis.
Axial length is a stronger predictor of refractive error in CP than in typically developing children. Our biometric data suggest that, if emmetropization is impaired or delayed in CP, it may be due to a failure in compensatory feedback mechanisms controlling the growth of axial length. Axial length is a stronger predictor of refractive error in CP than in the typically developing population.
27–29 In other studies of typically developing children and adults, correlation coefficients for refractive error and axial length are
r = 0.44 (Ojaimi et al.
29 ),
r = 0.47 (European Caucasians, Ip et al.
28 ), and
r = 0.76 (Grosvenor and Scott
27 ). These data are compared with
r = 0.9 in the present study. In typically developing children, the correlation between refractive error and biometric measures is strengthened by the inclusion of corneal curvature. Grosvenor and Scott
27 stated that “the axial length/corneal radius ratio is the most significant determinant of the refractive state of the eye.” Their conclusion is not true of the current CP data. In the developmentally normal population, crystalline lens thinning has been shown to compensate for increasing axial length, to promote and maintain emmetropia.
30,31 It is interesting to speculate that this feedback mechanism is impaired in CP, resulting in frequent, high refractive errors.
Spherical refractive error is not related to the severity of CP but subtype impacts on refractive outcome. CP has an impact on refractive development, resulting in an increased prevalence of significant errors. However, our data suggest that this impact is independent of the severity of the motor deficit in CP. This finding contrasts starkly with data relating to visual functions such as visual acuity, binocularity, and accommodation, which have been shown to deteriorate significantly as the level of motor impairment increases.
To date, the only other study to explore the relationship between clinical characteristics of CP and refractive error is that of Ghasia et al.
2 They described and compared visual and motor deficits in a group of 50 children and young adults with CP, according to the GMFCS. They deliberately recruited in such a way as to obtain an equal number of participants (
n = 10) at each level of GMFCS. In agreement with the present study, Ghasia et al.
2 reported that moderate to high refractive errors are common across all severities of motor impairment in CP, with low-moderate hyperopia (+1.00 to +4.00 D) being most prevalent. They suggested that children with the highest level of motor impairment are most at risk of high myopia (> −4.00 D MSE). However, only eight children in their study were highly myopic, and only three of these were in the most impaired classification, making strong conclusions problematic. The present study featured 11 highly myopic participants, 3 of whom were graded level V (most severe motor impairment) by the GMFCS, 5 at level II, and 3 at levels III and IV. Our data do not support the conclusion that more severely physically impaired individuals with CP are more likely to be highly myopic—rather, that CP is associated with moderate and high refractive error across all severities.
Although the severity of the motor impairment did not influence the type or level of refractive error found in the present study, our data suggest that the type of CP (spastic or nonspastic) has a differential effect on the refractive outcome. Although the number of nonspastic individuals in the present study was small (
n = 17), reflective of the underlying sample population, nonspastic CP was associated with higher spherical refractive errors than was spastic CP. Ghasia et al.
2 also have reported high refractive errors among their sample of nine nonspastic individuals.
Intellectual impairment is associated with astigmatism. Previous reports have not investigated how CP subtype or severity relates to astigmatism. In the present study, the least intellectually impaired individuals had significantly less astigmatism on average than their more impaired peers, and those with spastic CP were more likely to have oblique astigmatism, which is generally considered less common in the neurologically normal population.
32 Measures of corneal curvature in a subgroup of participants demonstrated that these errors were attributable to astigmatic corneal shape and may be due to a failure of the normal process of eye growth during which corneal astigmatism decreases as the corneal shape flattens with age.
The inclusion of both cycloplegic and noncycloplegic refractive error data in the present study may be criticized. However, previous published works on refractive status in comparable cohorts
3,4,9 have used similar methods for pragmatic reasons. Cycloplegic retinoscopy is primarily used to ensure that latent hyperopic refractive errors are elicited by the retinoscopist. This problem is particularly evident when testing infants and young children with high levels of accommodative facility. The known limitations of accommodative function in the CP population, the age group tested, the use of distance static retinoscopy, and the experience of the refractionists in the present study mitigate the inclusion of noncycloplegic data. Yeotikar et al.
33 demonstrated that noncycloplegic distance static retinoscopy is as effective as cycloplegic retinoscopy in healthy children aged 7 to 16 years of age.
Researchers have described refractive error in CP using mean spherical equivalent (MSE).
1,2 This approach can be problematic when astigmatism is prevalent, and in the present study we chose to present refractive data in terms of the MAM. However, our findings remained unchanged when analyses were replicated using MSE, except to reveal a significant relation between high hyperopia and the nonspastic form of CP (χ
2 P = 0.015).