purpose. Ferritin is an iron storage protein that is generally cytoplasmic. However, in embryonic avian corneal epithelial (CE) cells, the authors previously observed that the ferritin was predominantly nuclear. They also obtained evidence that this ferritin protects DNA from oxidative damage by UV light and hydrogen peroxide and that the nuclear localization involves a tissue-specific nuclear transporter, termed ferritoid. In the present investigation, the authors have determined additional properties of the nuclear ferritoid-ferritin complexes.
methods. For biochemical characterization, a combination of molecular sieve chromatography, immunoblotting, and nuclear-cytoplasmic fractionation was used; DNA binding was analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay.
results. The CE nuclear ferritin complex has characteristics that differentiate it from a “typical” cytoplasmic ferritin, including the presence of ferritin and ferritoid subunits; a molecular weight of approximately 260 kDa, which is approximately half that of cytoplasmic ferritin; its iron content, which is below our limits of detection; and its ability to bind to DNA.
conclusions. Within CE cell nuclei, ferritin and ferritoid are coassembled into stable complex(es) present in embryonic and adult corneas. Thus, ferritoid not only serves transiently as a nuclear transporter for ferritin, it remains as a component of a unique ferritoid-ferritin nuclear complex.
Iron is essential for life in all eukaryotes and most prokaryotes; however, free iron (Fe
2+), in excess, can exacerbate oxidative damage through the Fenton reaction, which generates hydroxyl radicals, the most energetic and deleterious reactive oxygen species (ROS).
1 2 3 Therefore, iron-sequestering proteins such as ferritin have evolved as one of the cellular mechanisms of detoxification.
4 5 6 7
Although it was generally believed that the subcellular localization of ferritin is exclusively cytoplasmic, recent studies have reported cells with ferritin in a nuclear location. For tissues in vivo, these include avian embryonic corneal epithelium (CE) and nucleated red blood cells.
8 9 In developing rats, these include the brain.
10 For cells in culture, these include astrocytoma and glial cell lines and cells subjected to iron overloading and other pathologic conditions.
11 12 13 Several functions for nuclear ferritin have been suggested. In CE cells, we have considerable evidence that the nuclear ferritin affords protection from UV- and H
2-induced damage to DNA.
14 15 16 In other cell types, nuclear ferritin has also been suggested to protect DNA and, in addition, to provide iron for nuclear enzymes and to regulate the initiation of transcription.
11 12 17 Similarly, for the nuclear transport of ferritin, at least two mechanisms have been suggested. One, in CE cells, involves a tissue-specific nuclear transporter protein for ferritin and another, in astrocytoma cells, involves posttranslational modifications of the ferritin H-chain.
18 19
Cytoplasmic mammalian ferritin complexes are heteropolymers composed of two types of subunits, H and L, assembled in different ratios to form a 24-mer supramolecular complex capable of sequestering approximately 4500 atoms of iron.
20 21 In addition, the cytoplasmic ferritin complex has been reported to associate with nonferritin proteins that deliver iron to the ferritin core
22 and others that are involved in the subcellular distribution of ferritin.
8 23 However, in avian species, only the H-subunit has been detected. In chicken CE cells, we have previously identified a novel protein, ferritoid, that binds to ferritin and translocates it into the nucleus. Ferritoid consists of two domains. One ferritin-like domain is involved in its binding to ferritin, and the other domain has a consensus SV40-type nuclear localization signal that is responsible for the nuclear transport.
24 Other than this, however, little was known concerning the association between ferritoid and ferritin, such as the type of complexes formed between these two components, the subcellular localization(s) of these complexes, and whether they are transient—that is, present only during the transport process—or whether, once formed, they remain stable. In addition, if the ferritoid-ferritin complexes are stable, do they have unique characteristics/properties that distinguish them from other multimeric ferritin complexes? In the present study we have determined certain of the characteristics of the nuclear ferritoid-ferritin complexes.
Total tissue lysates (extracted with either RIPA or HEPES buffer followed by sonication for 2 × 10 seconds) or lysates enriched for ferritoid and ferritin by heating at 70°C for 10 minutes were fractionated by size exclusion chromatography on a gel filtration column (Superdex 200 HR 10/30; Pharmacia, Alameda, CA) in 140 mM NaCl in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, 0.02% Triton X-100. Absorbance at 280 nm was monitored, and 0.5-mL fractions were collected. The molecular weight standard curve was generated with the use of gel filtration calibration kits (Sigma, St. Louis, MO; containing 2000 kDa blue dextran, 200 kDa cytochrome c, 150 kDa carbonic anhydrase, 66 kDa bovine albumin, 29 kDa alcohol dehydrogenase, and 12.5 kDa β amylase). The fractions were analyzed further by SDS-PAGE followed by silver or Coomassie staining (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) for protein detection or by Western blot analysis.
Cytoplasmic ferritin is a ubiquitous protein that, depending on metabolic requirements, can either sequester or release iron; thus, it plays central roles in iron metabolism. Equally important, the sequestration of free iron provides a potent mechanism for preventing oxidative damage through inhibition of the formation of Fenton reaction–generated free radicals. Recently, additional ferritins with more restricted tissue distributions have been identified in nuclei and mitochondria. Mitochondrial ferritin has been characterized as a separate gene product.
33 34 Its distribution is restricted to tissues with high metabolic activity and oxygen consumption, suggesting that it may play a role in protecting mitochondria from iron-induced damage.
35 Similarly, nuclear ferritins have been suggested to prevent oxidative damage (see the Introduction), but their structures and biochemical characteristics have remained largely unknown.
The work presented here demonstrates that the nuclear ferritin complex of avian CE cells has novel characteristics. Structurally, it includes ferritoid, its molecular weight (260 kDa) is approximately half that of a typical cytoplasmic ferritin, and its iron content is significantly lower than that of cytoplasmic ferritin. Functionally, it is capable of binding to DNA.
Spatially juxtaposing the ferritoid-ferritin complex to DNA may contribute to protecting DNA from ROS-mediated damage
14 15 16 by providing maximum capability of the ferritin subunit, through its ferroxidase activity, to sequester free iron that otherwise could associate with the DNA. Such local iron sequestration would be most effective at inhibiting damage from the hydroxyl radicals close to DNA because the highly reactive hydroxyl radicals act only over a very short distance. Although another study has suggested that a typical ferritin can bind to DNA,
12 the results presented here show that for CE cells the cytoplasmic complex has significantly lower DNA-binding activity than the nuclear complex. One possibility for this is that the ferritoid component of the nuclear complex promotes or stabilizes binding to DNA, or it does both. Potentially, this could be mediated by a 32-amino acid, N-terminal domain that is present in ferritoid but not in ferritin. This N-terminal domain resembles the N-terminal tail of the bacterial Dps, which themselves are ferritin-like dodecameric proteins that are approximately the size (240 kDa) of the CE nuclear ferritin, bind to DNA, and protect DNA from damage. Both ferritoid and the Dps have two lysine residues that, in the Dps, have been shown to be involved in the interaction with DNA.
36 Availability of the ferritoid N-terminal domain for DNA binding may require the high proportion of ferritoid present in the CE nuclear complexes. It is even possible that in the CE nuclear complex it is the high ratio of ferritoid to ferritin subunits that limits the size of this complex through steric interactions. However this remains to be determined.
By further analogy to the mechanisms of DNA protection proposed for the bacterial Dps
36 37 for CE cells, the very low, essentially nondetectable iron content of the nuclear ferritoid-ferritin complex may be important. Possibly this inherently low iron content renders the molecule especially effective in sequestering elevated free iron, when it occurs, as has been demonstrated for the Dps from
Listeria innocua,
38 which endogenously contains only 5 to 10 atoms of iron per complex, at least in the crystalline form of the molecule used for x-ray crystallography. However, it has the capability of rapidly incorporating iron, up to its maximum of 500 Fe/molecule. For the CE nuclear ferritin, its relative capability for sequestering free iron remains to be directly determined. Further, low iron content in endogenous nuclear ferritin may be beneficial under oxidative stress because studies in other cell types suggest that high iron ferritin may exacerbate oxidative damage through the release of stored iron.
39 40 41
Concerning the stoichiometry of the ferritoid and ferritin in the CE nuclear complex, several possibilities are consistent with the currently available information. By column chromatography, the major amount of material elutes as a single peak, which we have referred to as 260 kDa for the molecular weight of its median fraction. However, the entire peak is composed of several fractions (10–6) that span molecular weights from 200 to 320 kDa. In these fractions, ferritoid and ferritin are present in approximately equal amounts, as detected by silver staining of gels
(Fig. 3B) , suggesting that within the nuclear complex, the ratio between ferritin and ferritoid may vary, at most, from 2:1 to 1:2. If correct, this suggests that each putative dodecameric complex may contain four to eight ferritoid subunits.
Additional information suggests that, within the complex, ferritoid and ferritin subunits may be arranged as homodimers because in the lowest molecular weight fractions from the columns (fractions 14–16) we have detected putative homodimers. That these are dimers is suggested by their molecular weights, from approximately 40 kDa (for dimeric ferritin) to approximately 66 kDa (for dimeric ferritoid). That they are homodimers is likely because they do not coimmunoprecipitate with one another.
If these homopolymers are the subunits that undergo further assembly to form the dodecameric nuclear ferritoid-ferritin complexes, which may contain the four to eight ferritoid subunits described, the possible models for the complexes are those depicted in
Figure 5 .
Conversely, the cytoplasmic ferritin complex of CE cells is the size of a typical 24-mer ferritin complex, such as that of chicken tissue,
8 and it shows no detectable binding to DNA compared with the nuclear complex. However, it does appear to contain some ferritoid, which distinguishes it from the cytoplasmic ferritin complexes of other tissues. This observation suggests that the presence of ferritoid per se does not confer nuclear transport of ferritin and that other types of regulation are also likely to be involved.
Supported by National Institutes of Health Grant EY13127.
Submitted for publication November 17, 2008; revised January 22, 2009; accepted May 13, 2009.
M.V. Nurminskaya, None;
C.J. Talbot, None;
D.I. Nurminsky, None;
K.E. Beazley, None;
T.F. Linsenmayer, None
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be marked “
advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Corresponding author: Thomas F. Linsenmayer, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111;
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