In this study, the biometric and optical properties of a large sample of fresh in vitro nonhuman primate lenses were measured, most within hours of euthanatization. The main advantage of in vitro measurement is that it allows for direct measurement of lens refractive power. However, there are several limitations of in vitro measurement of isolated lenses, as opposed to in vivo measurement. For example, in vitro measurements correspond to the maximally accommodated state, whereas in vivo measurement can be performed at various accommodative states. It is also not possible to determine the relation between the lens parameters measured in vitro and the actual accommodation response of the whole eye. The main limitation of in vitro human lens studies is that it is difficult to maintain the natural lens shape and refractive power in postmortem lenses, especially if the lenses have been stored for several days in the preservative media used by eye banks.
24 In previous studies,
24,26 we found that lenses with a postmortem time of less than 24 hours could be immersed in DMEM for as long as 5 hours without swelling, as long as the capsule was intact. Swelling occurred only in lenses that were damaged during preservation or extraction. The short postmortem times proved to be a benefit compared with similar human in vitro crystalline lens studies in which long postmortem time results in the rejection of many otherwise viable samples due to swelling.
24 As part of the experimental protocol, the high-magnification shadowgraph images are used to detect any damage or capsular detachment. In the present study, only 8 (6%) of 135 lenses imaged with the shadowgraph were found to be damaged or swollen.
In all three nonhuman primate species, we found an age-dependent flattening of the lens surfaces (
Figs. 1,
4) and a decrease in refractive power (
Fig. 5) which also have been observed in pre-presbyopic adult human lenses (<50 years old).
18 An approximate scaling factor of 1 monkey year to 3 human years has been used by other investigators to compare the age-dependent decrease in the human and rhesus monkey accommodative response
3 and emmetropization.
8 With this scaling factor, the nonhuman primates in this study corresponded to a human age range of 2 to 40 years. In that age range, the rate of decrease in the human lens refractive power was −0.41 D/y in our previous in vitro study.
18 This result is similar to those found in the rhesus monkey in the present study scaled for age as well as for the other two species (rhesus: −0.58 D/human year; cyno: −0.42 D/human year; baboon −0.32D/human year;
Table 3). The similarities in the lens properties as well as the ease of availability and short postmortem times tends to justify the use of the nonhuman primate as a model for the human lens in in vitro accommodation and presbyopia studies.
Our results show that over the sampled age range, the refractive power of the isolated crystalline lens decreased by more than 20 D in all three species. Equatorial lens diameter increased, whereas central thickness decreased over the sampled age range in all three species. It might have been expected that central lens thickness would increase in the monkey lens, similar to the human lens, which decreases in the first decade or so of life and then increases.
27 However, this trend was not observed in this study, probably because of the limited number of samples in the upper age range.
It is difficult to directly compare the lens refractive power and biometry results from this study with in vivo measurements. Typically, in vivo measurements of lens shape and refractive power are performed on the relaxed, disaccommodated lens after pharmacologic pupil dilation. The lenses included in this study were isolated and free of external forces. Their shape and refractive power were expected to correspond to those of the maximally accommodated lens which is free of zonular tension. The isolated lens growth trends observed in this study are in good agreement with results obtained on maximally accommodated rhesus monkey lenses in vivo.
5,8,12 Wendt et al.
12 found that the maximally accommodated rhesus monkey lens diameter increases with age at a rate of 0.043 mm/y, which is similar to the results reported here for the isolated lens. Other investigators have observed an age-dependent decrease in the central lens thickness of the young human and nonhuman primate during in vivo measurements.
8,27–30 A general flattening of the lens surfaces with age has been well documented in the monkey.
5,8 Recently, Rosales et al.
30 used Purkinje imaging to measure the accommodation-dependent lens radii of curvature in two 9-year-old rhesus monkeys. They found maximally accommodated radii of curvature (6.79 mm for the anterior and −5.11mm for the posterior surfaces) that were within the range of our measurements, indicating that the isolated lens is representative of the in vivo maximally accommodated lens in the nonhuman primate, as is the case in the human.
In the hamadryas baboon, as in the human lens, the decrease in refractive contribution from the internal refractive index gradient was the major contributing factor to the rapid loss of maximally accommodated lens refractive power from birth to the age range of presbyopia onset (
Fig. 6).
The equivalent refractive indexes from the present study (maximum measured values of 1.436 for both cynomolgus monkey and baboon lenses and 1.430 for the rhesus monkey) are similar to those of the human lens in vivo (maximum of 1.4375)
31 and in vitro (maximum of 1.432).
18 The rhesus monkey equivalent refractive indexes from the present study are lower than previously reported in vivo values (1.447 for a 5-year-old rhesus monkey lens
8 ). The higher equivalent refractive indexes reported by Qiao-Grider et al.
8 may be due to differences in accommodative state during biometric measurements. In their study the measurements of the refractive state and lens surface profiles of rhesus monkeys were performed after accommodation was pharmacologically relaxed. In the present study, the measurements correspond to the maximally accommodated state (lens free of external forces). The results from the present study indicate the similarity between humans and these three nonhuman primate species in the general value and the age-dependent trend of the equivalent refractive index.
In summary, the results of this study highlight the similarities in optical properties, biometric properties, growth, and aging of the isolated nonhuman primate lens to those of the human lens. In both human and nonhuman primates, there is a rapid age-dependent decrease in the refractive power of the maximally accommodated lens from birth up to the onset of presbyopia. The flattening of the lens surfaces in the maximally accommodated state contributes only a small portion to the age-dependent decrease in maximally accommodated lens refractive power. In both humans and nonhuman primates, the decrease in refractive contributions from the gradient refractive index is the major contributor to the rapid age-dependent decrease in maximally accommodated lens refractive power and the consequent decrease in maximum accommodative amplitude. These findings suggest that independent of the changes in lens shape, the age-dependent changes in the internal lens refractive index distribution have a significant contribution to the loss of accommodative amplitude that leads to presbyopia.
Supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants 2R01EY14225, 5F31EY15395; an NRSA Individual Predoctoral Fellowship [DB]); a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship (NMZ); the Australian Federal Government Cooperative Research Centres Programme through the Vision Cooperative Research Centre; the Florida Lions Eye Bank; P30EY14801 (Center Grant); an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness (JMP); and the Henri and Flore Lesieur Foundation (JMP).
The authors thank Norma Kenyon, PhD, and Dora Berman-Weinberg, PhD, of the DRI, and Linda Waterman, PhD, of DVR for scientific support; Viviana Fernandez, MD, Christian Billotte, MD, Ali Abri MD, Mohammed Aly, MD, Hideo Yamamoto, MD, PhD, and Adriana Amelinckx, MD, for surgical support; and David Denham, MBA, Andres Bernal, MSBME, Raksha Urs, MSBME, Marcia Orozco, MSBME, Derek Nankivil, BS, Izuru Nose, BSEE, William Lee, David Chin Yee, MD, Minh Hoang, BSBME, Stephanie Delgado, BSBME, and Jared Smith, BSBME, for technical support. This study includes data that were originally acquired by Alexandre M. Rosen, MD, MSBME.