Briefly degrading stereo vision by means of the defocusing lenses mainly affected the reach-to-grasp immediately before object contact. As their disparity sensitivity was reduced, participants programmed a progressively wider peak grip farther from the target and increasingly prolonged and adjusted
(Fig. 6A)the low-velocity phase of the reach. These effects were similar to those occurring in the first experiment when
all binocular disparity cues were removed by occluding one eye. Indeed, these behavioral changes appear to be the default response of normal adults whenever disparity information is reduced, as when moving to objects in the dark
15 16 or in peripheral vision,
39 and have been attributed to visual uncertainty about the precise 3D shape and location of the target during movement planning. The defocusing lenses generate all these uncertainties. We know this, as our subjects reported that their assessment of the object’s solid properties was unreliable under these conditions and because we have shown before that the magnifying effect of these lenses causes targets to be judged as slightly nearer the affected eye.
21 Programming a wider and earlier peak grip and prolonging the terminal reach may also be strategies for increasing the spatial and temporal margins available for the recovery of online visual feedback required to control the hand in the final approach. A central problem in so doing is that this period is time limited, usually to around 200 to 250 ms
(Table 3) , so the source(s) of feedback needs to be fast and efficient, to ensure that any adjustments can be smoothly (i.e., covertly) implemented, rather than appearing as obvious corrections in the movement. The normal human stereo system satisfies these requirements, as it can respond, without loss of depth sensitivity, at relative image velocities
40 much greater than those of the moving hand. Our data suggest that coarse disparity information may be a sufficient source of feedback for controlling the final progress of the hand online, since terminal velocity corrections were no more common in the CS and LP lens conditions than with normal binocular vision. But further degradation of disparity sensitivity with SN and HP lens viewing, resulted in poorly coordinated terminal reaching, presumably because the subjects were forced to fall back on less reliable and slower monocular
41 depth cues (e.g., changes in hand–target occlusion) during this period.