Because of inherent difficulties in the experimental induction of complete optic nerve head ischemia,
34 we used a laser-induced model of retinal arteriolar occlusion to study the effects of ischemic injury on the RGC axonal cytoskeleton. A major advantage in our experimental technique is that it allowed us to reliably induce and confirm vessel occlusion without disrupting optic nerve head structure through surgical manipulation. The mechanism of RGC axonal injury used in this study is different from that used in our previous experiments in which we examined the effects of IOP elevation
7,18 on the RGC cytoskeleton. In the present study, axonal changes were the consequence of a purely ischemic insult, whereas in previous experiments,
7,18 both vascular and mechanical components were involved in mediating axonal cytoskeleton changes. The present study demonstrates that an ischemic insult to the RGC axon causes an early cytoskeleton protein disruption within regions of ischemia. Similar to an IOP-induced insult,
7,16,18 the evolution of cytoskeleton protein change after ischemia occurs in a time-dependent manner in the absence of apoptotic changes. An important difference between an ischemic and IOP-induced insult on the RGC cytoskeleton is the sequence of protein subunit alteration. We have shown
7,18 that elevation of IOP results in early modification of all neurofilament protein subunits, with microtubule disruption occurring only after extended periods of IOP increase. This sequence of change in cytoskeleton proteins contrasts significantly with that occurring in ischemia where microtubules are affected before most neurofilament proteins. Cellular enzyme systems have strong influence over cytoskeleton protein structure,
35 and the order in which biochemical reactions are activated after injury may have some correlation with the sequence of alteration in cytoskeleton protein subunits. Previous experimental work has shown that elevation of IOP results in acute kinase enzyme activation,
36 whereas ischemia predominantly activates caspase enzyme systems during the early stages of injury.
37 The purpose of this study was not to identify the biochemical modulators of change in cytoskeleton protein levels; however, our results may provide the basis for understanding some of the histopathologic manifestations of ischemic axonal injury.
22–24 Cytoskeleton proteins are integral determinants of axonal architecture and also provide the scaffolding along which motor proteins travel during axonal transport.
38 Changes in cytoskeleton protein levels during ischemia may therefore underlie the development of intra-axonal structural changes such as vacuolation and intra-axonal functional changes such as axonal transport retardation. It is interesting that there was little observable change in TUB and MAP staining in the superficial layers of the NeFL after 6 hours of ischemia, despite a significant decrease in the intensity of change in the deeper layers of the NeFL. TUB and MAP subunits contribute to the cytoskeletal framework of glial cells
39,40 in addition to neurons, and the preservation of stain in the superficial layers of the NeFL, where glial processes are abundant, may reflect the heterogeneous nature of ischemia-mediated damage to neurons and glia.