A newly developed 1060-nm OCT system has higher penetration and consequently increased sensitivity for the posterior choroid and the sclera, allowing visualization of the chorioscleral interface in normal eyes compared with conventional systems in most cases. Thus, in vivo choroidal thickness has been measured accurately because of this technical advantage. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may provide approximate choroidal thickness
21 ; however, MRI resolution is on the order of 100 μm, and the thickness measured is supposedly much less accurate. Commercial OCT with a 800-nm band can measure retinal thickness and provides useful information in various macular diseases and glaucoma; this information is applicable in many clinical situations for decision making regarding the management and monitoring of disease progression.
22,23 The rationale for measuring choroidal thickness remains controversial; however, detecting choroidal abnormalities beneath the RPE, which could not be done using conventional OCT systems, is assumed to provide an increased understanding of the pathogenesis and to facilitate identification of risk factors in vision-threatening chorioretinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration or myopic degeneration.
16,17,20,24 For example, myopic progression is accompanied by choroidal thinning,
4 suggesting the importance of choroidal thickness measurement in vivo in at least some conditions.
In the present study, the choroid was somewhat thicker than reported previously. Margolis and Spaide,
9 who investigated 54 patients (mean age, 50.4 years) with normal vision using the enhanced depth imaging of the 840-nm OCT, reported choroidal thickness measurements of 287, 145, and 261 μm, respectively, for the subfovea, 3 mm nasal, and 3 mm temporal.
9 Our results were 354, 227, and 337 μm subfoveally, 3 mm nasally, and 3 mm temporally, indicating that the current data are approximately 80 to 100 μm thicker. This difference between the studies may result from differences in the measuring software, differences in the OCT light source, differences in ethnicity (although Margolis and Spaide
9 did not specify the ethnic group), or differences in patient profiles such as age, RE, or axial length. Theirs were patients without disease, and ours were healthy volunteers. It is still unknown what factors affect choroidal thickness; determining this is a high-priority task.
In the present study, we found that age was the factor most associated with subfoveal choroidal thickness by stepwise analysis. In a previous report,
9 regression analysis showed an approximate decrease in thickness of 15 μm every 10 years. Univariate regression analysis in the present study showed 14-μm reductions every 10 years. Although the reductions were similar, the
R 2 was as low as 0.04, suggesting great interindividual variations. A previous histologic study showed a similar trend (
R 2 = 0.18; regression, −1.10 μm/year).
10 Because choroidal thickness is affected by factors other than age, it may be difficult to evaluate the effect based simply on age. Studies with more patients of a wide range of ages are required for accurate analysis.
We also found a correlation with RE and axial length. Choroidal thinning is prominent in highly myopic eyes.
4 Our previous report using a commercially available instrument (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec) indicated that the subfoveal choroidal thickness was 100.5 μm, which is approximately three times thinner in highly myopic eyes.
20 Multiple regression analysis in the present study showed older age and myopic RE are significantly associated with choroidal thinning, indicating that aging and myopia shift are critical factors. RE had a great impact on choroidal thinning and on age in terms of regression (−4.16 μm/year and 9.3 μm/D). Thus, preventing myopia progression is critical for avoiding choroidal thinning and consequent visual loss.
The present study also showed that the nasal choroid was significantly thinner than the subfoveal and temporal choroid and that the inferior choroid was significantly thinner than the superior choroid. A previous OCT study showed that the choroid is thicker at the macula than nasally or temporally probably because of high metabolic demand.
9 The present data showed a significantly thicker choroid subfoveally than nasally and temporally; however, the thickness was similar to that of the superior and inferior choroid. There may be two reasons for relative choroidal thinning nasally and inferiorly. One is the choroidal watershed, which isolates the choroidal circulation,
25 seen on fluorescein or indocyanine green angiography. Another could be the fetal choroidal fissure, which closes inferiorly at 16 weeks.
The optical geometry of the OCT probe beam is not symmetrical between the center and the perimeter of the area scanned because the pivot of the fan-beam scan of the probe is located at the pupil and not the center of the retinal curvature. In the scanning protocol used in the present study, subfoveal thickness was measured at the center, and the temporal, superior, nasal, and inferior thicknesses were measured at the perimeter. This asymmetry may cause a systematic error in the thickness measurement. At the fovea, the probe beam is perpendicular to the retinal curvature; hence, the true thickness of the choroid is measured. However, at the perimeter, the probe beam impinges on the retina from a slightly oblique direction, which could result in a slight overestimation of choroidal thickness. However, this overestimation did not affect our conclusions because of the following reasons. First, this overestimation negatively affects the tendency we found, which was that thickness is greater at the subfovea than at other locations. Second, assuming that the axial length is 17 mm, the error in thickness is estimated to be 1.5%, which is sufficiently smaller than intersession fluctuations.
Finally, investigators have just begun to study choroidal thickness, and more information is needed to gain a better understanding of choroidal abnormalities. In addition, it has not been totally agreed on that the hyperscattering line behind the choroidal vessels actually represents the chorioscleral interface. It might be more accurate to use the polarization-sensitive, 1-μm swept-source OCT to trace the scleral interface.
26 In addition, we believe it is important to determine the process of and risk factors for chorioretinal atrophy, a slowly progressing but vision-threatening condition worldwide, resulting from several factors, including myopic change.
Supported by research grants from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (YY, TN), the Tomey Corporation (YY, TN), and the Topcon Corporation (YY, TN).