When compared with the static target condition, adults generated significant responses to all the stimulus amplitudes at 0.1 Hz in both binocular and monocular conditions. Consistent with the literature, the subjects showed accommodative responses to stimuli of ≥ ±0.25 D (Winn et al.
18 : ±0.1 D; Schor and Kotulak,
34 : ±0.12–0.14 D). The group-averaged raw data and individual functions suggest that, at the group level, by 2 to 4 months, infants can respond to the 0.5 and 0.75 D stimulus amplitudes binocularly, but they may not be able to track the ±0.25 D stimulus modulation at 0.1 Hz. Also, based on the group-averaged raw data, the infants responded to the 0.75 D stimulus amplitude monocularly. Thus, these results indicate that the infant accommodative sensitivity is on the order of ±0.5 D or better binocularly and ±0.75 D monocularly. Although the noise in the individual functions may have masked small responses, and the group-averaged data may have reduced the apparent noise to levels below that experienced by any individual subject, the fact that the individual infants were capable of discriminating the finer structure of the stimulus profile (e.g.,
Fig. 3) suggests that they were, in fact, capable of responding to smaller changes in the stimuli than the full amplitude of the stimulus sinusoid. The infants also demonstrated finer discrimination in the 0.4 Hz condition in that the group average SNR was significant at 0.25 D for binocular viewing. Without careful individual calibration, it was not possible to confirm that the infants were responding to precisely these levels of defocus in the absolute sense. They could have had a small constant mean bias or error relative to the stimulus, for example. However, the data do demonstrate discrimination of blur on the scale provided by these stimuli.
In addition, the infant binocular response amplitude was larger than that found in monocular viewing conditions. This result agrees with the observation that accommodation in uninstructed adults is reduced in gain if one eye is occluded
24 and with the findings in two studies showing the same result in infants.
24,25 The increased noise and apparently reduced signal amplitude both had the effect of reducing the SNR in monocular viewing conditions.
Generally, the infants' data were noisier than the adults'. The infants' amplitudes at the stimulus frequency were also more variable than those of adults (the SD of the infant data were approximately four times that of adults). There are several possible sources of this noise beyond instrument noise in the photorefractor estimates, which has a power of approximately 0.2 D
2 at low frequencies.
12 First, the infants' responses to the static stimulus were also more variable than that of the adults (the SD of the infants' amplitude at 0.1 Hz (0.27) was five times of that of adults (0.045) even after being calibrated with the mean slopes (infant, 1.1; adult, 0.92).
36 This result could be due to the elevated accommodative microfluctuations of infants compared with that of adults.
12 Second, it is feasible that infants attended to the target less frequently than adults, and therefore the data may include measurements of peripheral optics, although all data collected beyond 15° eccentricity were excluded.