Transgenic pigs carrying a mutant human rhodopsin transgene have been developed as a large animal model of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). This model displays some key features of human RP, but the time course of disease progression makes this model costly, time consuming, and difficult to study because of the size of the animals at end-stage disease. Here, the authors evaluate an iodoacetic acid (IAA) model of photoreceptor degeneration in the pig as an alternative model that shares features of the transgenic pig and human RP.
IAA blocks glycolysis, thereby inhibiting photoreceptor function. The effect of the intravenous injection of IAA on swine rod and cone photoreceptor viability and morphology was followed by histologic evaluation of different regions of the retina using hematoxylin and eosin and immunostaining. Rod and cone function was analyzed by full-field electroretinography and multifocal electroretinography.
IAA led to specific loss of rods in a central-to-peripheral retinal gradient. Although cones were resistant, they showed shortened outer segments, loss of bipolar cell synaptic connections, and a diminished flicker ERG, hallmarks of transition to cone dysfunction in RP patients.
IAA provides an alternative rod-dominant model of retinal damage that shares a surprising number of features with the pig transgenic model of RP and with human RP. This IAA model is cost-effective and rapid, ensuring that the size of the animals does not become prohibitive for end-stage evaluation or therapeutic intervention.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) represent two major retinal degenerative diseases that lead progressively to blindness. Both RP and AMD target photoreceptors constituting the outer retina. Unlike lower vertebrates, the retina in higher vertebrates, including humans, is not significantly regenerated after injury or disease, leading to an interest in stem cell transplantation therapy to restore damaged photoreceptors. The cause of AMD has yet to be uncovered, although a role for the complement system has been documented experimentally and genetically,
1,2 and an animal model that faithfully recapitulates the human disease is not available. RP represents a collection of genetic diseases, many of which are associated with mutation of the rod-specific opsin rhodopsin (RHO).
3 –5 Rods are lost in RP patients, leading to diminished night vision and progressive narrowing of the visual field as vision becomes totally dependent on cones, which are concentrated in the fovea.
4 Eventually, foveal cones lose function and central vision is lost. One of the first indications of impending loss of cone function is a diminished flicker ERG, which assesses the temporal response of cones to rapid flashes of light.
6 This diminished flicker ERG is accompanied by a decrease in the length of cone outer segments, which contain cone opsins.
Mouse genetic models have been created for RP,
8 –10 but these models are not entirely representative of the clinical phenotype in RP patients. The mouse retina is rod-dominant with few cones, and these cones are not organized into a central fovea as in the human eye.
11,12 As with humans, the swine retina contains a cone-dominant central visual streak with rods enriched in the peripheral retina.
13,14 Thus, the swine retina is a much closer anatomic and physiological match to the human retina, leading to interest in the pig as a model of human retinal disease. To this end, a mutant human RHO transgene has been expressed in pigs to create a large animal model of RP.
15,16 In these pigs rod cell death was evident by 2 weeks of age; it became more pronounced by 6 weeks, and most rods degenerated by 9 months.
16 This rod loss occurred in a central-to-peripheral gradient.
15 Although this transgenic model shows features of human RP, the time course for end-stage disease results in very large animals that are difficult to handle. Beyond simply the time commitment and large animal size at end-stage disease, the need to maintain a transgenic colony makes this model costly to pursue for stem cell transplantation experiments.
Several chemical models have been used to damage the retina. Sodium iodate damages the retinal pigment epithelium, and as a secondary effect to the loss of pigment epithelium, the underlying photoreceptors are lost.
17 –19 By contrast, iodoacetic acid (IAA) covalently modifies and inhibits glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), thereby blocking glycolysis.
20,21 Neurons depend on glycolysis for adenosine triphosphate production, and photoreceptors in the retina have been shown previously to be particularly sensitive to IAA because of their high metabolic rate.
22 Indeed, it has been demonstrated that photoreceptors are lost while inner retinal neurons are unaffected by IAA treatment in rabbits and monkeys.
22 –24 Such results suggest that IAA can specifically eliminate photoreceptors in the retina, thereby providing a model in which transplanted photoreceptors may be sufficient to restore a visual transduction pathway in an otherwise undamaged retina.
Here, we examined the effects of IAA on photoreceptor viability and function in the pig to determine whether it might recapitulate some of the features of RP. We found that rods were specifically targeted by IAA in a central-to-peripheral fashion, as in the RHO transgenic pig model.
6,25 Further, cones were resistant to IAA, leading to a monolayer of cones retaining shortened outer segments in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). These cones were still functional, but they showed a diminished response in the flicker ERG. These results suggest that IAA in the pig can serve as a model for specific loss of rods and that under these conditions cones survive but display a diminished electrophysiological response characteristic of the cells in RP patients.
Baseline functional assessments consisted of both multifocal ERG (mf-ERG) and full-field ERG (ff-ERG). Before electrophysiological analyses, animals were anesthetized using the protocol previously described by Lalonde et al.
26 Pupils were dilated with topical phenylephrine hydrochloride 2.5% and tropicamide 1%.
The mf-ERG was recorded first at light-adapted levels (VERIS System; Electro-Diagnostic, Inc., Redwood City, CA) and a DTL electrode on the cornea. Reference and ground needle electrodes were placed in the skin above the eye and behind the ear, respectively. A topographic map of the focal retinal response was rendered, including the visual streak, which corresponds to a location 0.5 disc diameters above the optic disc, 1 disc diameter in height, and the full width of the stimulus pattern. An infrared photograph of the fundus was taken before the baseline assessment and kept as a reference to align subsequent evaluations. The mf-ERG response amplitude was calculated by averaging the N1-P1 amplitude of each mf-ERG trace over the visual streak.
The ff-ERG was then recorded (UTAS ERG System with a BigShot Ganzfeld Stimulator; LKC Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) and an ERG-jet electrode (Fabrinal SA, La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland). Ground and reference electrodes were placed behind the ear and on the midline of the forehead, respectively. Recordings were performed following the ISCEV standard for full-field clinical electroretinography.
27,28 Ten eyes from five pigs were assessed for each ERG time point.
Histologic Evaluation.
Immunohistochemistry Staining.
IAA Causes a Central-to-Peripheral Gradient of Photoreceptor Loss without Affecting the Number of Inner Retinal Neurons
Identification and Organization of Rods and Cones in the Swine Outer Nuclear Layer
Rods in the Peripheral Retina Show Diminished Outer Segments with RHO Redirected to Cell Bodies after IAA Treatment
IAA Causes a Concentration-Dependent Loss of Cone OS, a Decrease in Cone OS Length, and a Loss of Cone Pedicles
There is mounting interest in using the pig as a model for retinal disease and stem cell transplantation therapy. The RHO transgenic model recapitulates important features of the disease, including selective loss of rods and the subsequent diminished function of cones highlighted by shortened outer segments and diminished flicker ERG. However, this transgenic model is costly to maintain. By the time of end-stage disease at 9 months of age, the animals are very large (weight 500 pounds), making assessment and stem cell transplantation difficult.
The IAA model we describe here shares a surprising number of features with the transgenic model. Rods are lost after IAA treatment whereas cones are not; this is similar to the rod-specific pattern of loss seen in the transgenic model
15 and in RP. In the transgenic model and RP patients, this rod sensitivity is logical because the
RHO mutation is targeted to rods and the subsequent defects in cones are then secondary to rod loss. In the IAA model, there is a similar pattern of rod-specific loss, but this rod sensitivity is likely caused by differences in metabolic demands between rods and cones, with the cone defects a result of rod loss as in the transgenic model and in RP. Interestingly, there is a gradient of rod loss, with rods being eliminated in the central retina while the most peripheral retina is relatively unaffected after IAA. The reason for the relative resistance of rods in the peripheral retina is unclear, but this same pattern of rod resistance in the periphery is also seen in the
RHO transgenic pig model.
16,25 In addition, as in the transgenic model and in RP, cones that are retained after IAA exhibit shortened OS (and, at the higher IAA concentration, a loss of pedicles), and they display a reduced flicker ERG, implying that the cone signaling defects become more pronounced when the cells are challenged temporally with rapid flashes.
ERG signals from rods were diminished at 2 weeks after IAA injection, and they remained diminished until 12 weeks. These results are consistent with the loss of rods that we observed histologically. By contrast, cone ERG signals dipped at 2 weeks after IAA injection but rebounded significantly by 5 weeks, and this recovery was maintained to 12 weeks. We suggest that the dip in response at 2 weeks reflects the initial covalent modification to GAPDH and the resultant block of glycolysis when IAA is injected.
21,32,33 Although rods die from this initial block in glycolysis, cones do not. We suggest that once IAA is cleared, cones can resynthesize GAPDH and restore glycolysis and that the cone defects are likely a secondary result of the surrounding rod loss as discussed.
Importantly, the time course for retinal changes seen with IAA is much more rapid than with the transgenic model, allowing for easy evaluation and surgery. Thus, the IAA model in the pig may provide a relatively rapid and cost-effective alternative swine model of rod degeneration and cone dysfunction that can be easily manipulated and assessed in transplantation experiments. Such a model may then provide a means for collecting data and establishing experimental conditions that can, in turn, be applied to the transgenic model in more long-term experiments.