We have developed an algorithm, the NHT, to assist in the recognition of neurologic field defects in data from automated threshold perimetry. The NHT makes use of the pointwise pattern deviation probability data in each visual field test, comparing corresponding regions left and right of the vertical meridian. We have shown that this test can reliably detect visual field loss due to chiasmal or postchiasmal neurologic disease, and its performance compares favorably with that of subspecialty trained clinicians. Compared with the GHT, the NHT appears to be at least as sensitive and specific; in fact, the NHT performed significantly better than the GHT in distinguishing the disorder for which it is designed.
We were particularly encouraged that the NHT had a reasonable mixture of sensitivity and specificity for those neurologic cases that were considered subtle or equivocal by the reviewers. The field pair illustrated in
Figure 7 provides an example of how early neurologic field defects could be identified by the NHT and neuro-ophthalmologists, but missed by glaucoma specialists and presumably general ophthalmologists as well. Although it would be easy to set criteria for the NHT that identified only obvious homonymous hemianopia, our purpose was to identify relatively subtle neurologic defects. The value of this approach will be greatest if it helps those clinicians who are not highly expert in evaluating neuro-ophthalmic disease to identify subtle chiasmal or postchiasmal field loss.
A sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 73% for an NHT score of 30 would not be highly useful in population screening for neurologic defects. With the low prevalence of true neurologic disease, the specificity would have to be set at a very high level to avoid having many more false positives than true positives. Given the results herein, one could still identify half of the neurologic defects at a specificity of nearly 99%. On the other hand, given the potential catastrophic consequences of missing a neurologic field defect and the ability to diagnose such defects with relatively noninvasive measures, it would also be reasonable to choose an NHT cutoff with high sensitivity at the expense of more false positives. We propose, however, that there is little use for complex automated perimetry in population screening. Rather, the NHT has greatest value in the clinical office where, most often, visual field testing is performed on glaucoma suspects. In this setting, unsuspected neurologic disease may be identified with such assistance, and it was for this reason that we compared visual field data from patients with neurologic disease with those of glaucoma and glaucoma suspect patients.
Although the NHT is promising for clinical use, our study has some limitations. Most important, the clinicians reviewed pairs of fields whereas the NHT, much like the GHT, only assessed one field at a time. To compare the NHT performance with the clinician grades, we selected the higher NHT for each pair of fields. We plan to develop a more sophisticated binocular analysis for a future version of the NHT. It will attempt to integrate visual field data from both eyes and determine not only the probability of neurologic disease, but also if the pattern of field loss corresponds to a homonymous or heteronymous hemianopia.
Another important caveat is that the NHT is designed to detect chiasmal and postchiasmal visual field defects, but cannot distinguish defects due to nonglaucomatous optic neuropathies, which are often similar to those caused by glaucoma. Likewise, the GHT cannot distinguish many glaucomatous defects from those of ischemic optic neuropathy, compressive optic neuropathy, or branch artery occlusions. Additional clinical data must be used to assist in this differentiation, including visual acuity, color vision, ophthalmoscopic appearance of the optic disc and retina, and, of course, historical information. It was not our purpose to propose the NHT as an overall solution to the diagnosis of neurologic disease, but rather to aid identification of certain types of visual field defects.
In summary, the NHT can distinguish chiasmal and postchiasmal visual field defects from defects caused by glaucoma, and it rivals the performance of glaucoma and neuro-ophthalmology specialists in discriminating neurologic field defects. Despite its limitations, we believe this test may be a useful adjunct in the interpretation of automated perimetry. It can corroborate a clinician's suspicion for neurologic field defects, much as the GHT does for glaucomatous defects. Moreover, it can alert clinicians to the possibility of unsuspected neurologic disease.
Supported in part by National Eye Institute Grant EY001765 (Core Facility Grant, Wilmer Institute); by unrestricted funds from the Leonard Wagner Trust, New York, NY, from Saranne and Livingston Kosberg, and from William T. Forrester; and by a grant to the Wilmer Eye Institute from Research to Prevent Blindness.