Statistical analysis was performed (Stata, version 10.1; StataCorp, College Station, TX). The intervisit RC and ICC were calculated. The RC is defined as 1.96 × √2 × within-subject SD.
18 The interpretation is that 95% of the difference between measurements obtained from two separate occasions would be less than the RC. ICC was interpreted as follows: <0.75 represents poor to moderate reliability, 0.75 to 0.90 represents good reliability, and >0.90 represents excellent reliability for clinical measures.
19 By setting the 95% confidence interval as 20% on either side of the estimate of within-subject standard deviation Sw [
n = 1.96
2/(2 × 0.2
2 × (
20 where
n is the number of subjects and
m is the number of observations, it was estimated that a minimum of 25 subjects was required. Angle measurements at different quadrants were compared with Wilcoxon signed-rank tests at the 5% level of significance with Bonferroni adjustment. Generalized linear latent and mixed modeling was used to evaluate the effects of mean angle width, mean pupil diameter, variance of pupil diameter, iris thickness, variance of iris thickness, axial length, anterior chamber depth, SSVS, age, and scan location on the variances of AOD, TISA, and TIA. In brief, the angle variance (
varANGLE) was regressed on the mean angle (
ANGLE), mean pupil diameter (
PD), variance of pupil diameter (
varPD), mean iris thickness (
IT), variance of iris thickness (
varIT), axial length (
AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), SSVS, age (
AGE), and the scan location (
INFERIOR), with random subject effect as the random intercept using uniform link function:
where β
0 − β
9 represent the fixed effects associated with the intercept, mean value of the angle measurement, pupil diameter, variance of pupil diameter, iris thickness, variance of iris thickness, axial length, anterior chamber depth, subject age, and scleral spur visibility score, respectively; β
10 − β
12 represents the fixed effects associated with the scan location (Three variables—TEMPORAL, SUPERIOR, INFERIOR—were used to denote the four scan locations. For example, temporal measurement was coded as
INFERIOR = 0. Nasal measurement was coded as TEMPORAL = 0, SUPERIOR = 0, INFERIOR = 0. The nasal quadrant was set as a reference location for comparison with other quadrants.); η
0 represents the random subject effects associated with the intercept; and ε represents the residual. Insignificant factors were removed by backward selection after performing likelihood-ratio test at the 5% significance level. Comparisons of estimates among the quadrants were performed with the Wald test.
P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.