The University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Institutional Review Board approved use of human tissues for this project (X090716009), and the protocols adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki. Eyes preserved by immersion in 1% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer were withdrawn from a research repository of nondiabetic donor eyes. The median interval between death and preservation was 2:41 hours (range, 57 minutes to 4 hours 51 minutes). Eyes with grossly normal maculas from 40 donors were processed as described below. After specimens with poor embedding, inadequately preserved foveal structure, or mechanical damage were eliminated, 18 eyes remained for analysis (40M, 44F, 51F, 52M, 54M, 57M, 57M, 65M, 66M, 71M, 73F, 76F, 80F, 83M, 84F, 85F, 88F, and 92F; all Caucasian).