This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Louisville and included patients that were examined at the retina clinic at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. Two groups of patients were studied: the premacular hole formation group included patients who later developed a macular hole and the control group included age-matched patients who did not develop a macular hole during the 69-month follow-up period between January 2005 and September 2010.
In the premacular hole formation group, 3882 OCT (Stratus OCT 3000, Carl Zeiss) foveal thickness maps of 647 patients with a diagnosis of macular hole were analyzed in an attempt to identify the patients who had, for any reason, an early OCT before the development of macular hole: 96 foveal maps of 16 patients were identified to be taken before subsequent formation of macular holes composed of 6 meridians of the earliest OCT map available for every patient. These patients were asymptomatic at the time their first OCT was obtained. The control group included 96 maps of 16 age-matched patients who were randomly selected from our OCT database. These patients did not have macular pathology and did not develop a macular hole throughout the follow-up period.
In an effort to identify potential anatomic characteristics predisposing to idiopathic macular hole formation, the earliest baseline OCT images available before macular hole development were systematically reviewed and analyzed using the Retinal Thickness analysis function on the OCT. The fellow eye OCT scans of patients in the premacular hole formation group were also analyzed in an attempt to find predisposing anatomy for future macular hole formation. Systematic measurements of macular OCT geometrical characteristics were obtained and compared with the control group. These measurements included foveal volume (FV), two points of parafoveal maximum thickness (PMT), distance between the two PMT points (dPMT), and central macular thickness (CMT). The maximal slope for each side of the fovea was calculated as the maximum difference in thickness divided by the distance at 50-μm consecutive intervals around the fovea and normalized to an aged-matched group. Symmetry of the foveal pit was established by dividing the numerical values of the maximal slopes on each side along the foveal midline, as seen in
Figure 1. The mathematical analog of the foveal configuration was analyzed using the automated symbolic regression software (Eureqa, version 0.82 beta), which enables the user to choose the level of accuracy in which the function fits the gathered data. The fit for our study for both groups was chosen to be 0.083, which proved to provide a close fit of the curve to the data in both groups. Other levels of fit may be alternatively chosen, provided that the same level of fit is used for both the control and the study groups. OCT images of patients' fellow eyes were systematically studied and analyzed.
Medical records were reviewed for age and sex of the patient, visual acuity, lens status at presentation, and the presence of posterior vitreous detachment. All eyes demonstrating obvious gross structural macular abnormalities, abnormal vitreomacular traction distorting the foveal configuration, and/or the retinal architecture were excluded from the present study. Also all patients with other macular pathology such as diabetic maculopathy, prior macular surgery, macular scars, age-related macular degeneration, traumatic or myopic macular holes, macular holes associated with a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, or with any clinical evidence or prior medical history of maculopathy were excluded from the present study.