Subjects were placed in a CACE located in Keio University School of Medicine. The controlled chamber was an isolated room 2.38 m wide, 2.95 m long, and 2.44 m high. The room was equipped with a closed air circulation system consisting of a circular duct with propellant and return vents (Daikin, Osaka, Japan). Temperature and relative humidity (RH) could be precisely controlled between 0°C and 50°C and RH between 0% and 100%, with 10% tolerance. The control of RH was achieved with a 110-W and a 1.0-kg/h humidifier (WM-BNB; Daikin, Osaka, Japan). Control of the adverse chamber room conditions was carefully supervised during the entire duration of the experiments, with adjustment switches set outside the chamber that were used to measure temperature and humidity. For this study, the temperature was set at 18°C, and the RH was 18%. The temperature and RH were recorded at the beginning and at the end of each experiment, and the mean values (±SEM) were 18.0°C ± 1.0°C and 18.5% ± 1.0%, respectively. The wind flow was controlled by eight electric fans (Yamazen, Shanghai, China). All subjects were asked to stand 1 m away from the fans, facing the fans for 20 minutes. The wind velocity in the room 1 m away from the fans was 1.2 m/s, which was constant throughout the experiments and was measured by a wind velocity meter (Tesco, Yokohama, Japan). We chose an environmental setting that we thought would resemble the effect of a dry, windy, cool day on the ocular surface and tear functions of SCL wearers.