In addition to histologically analyzing all 18 pairs of muscles after the in vitro physiology, both right and left SR muscles, a second set of rabbits was used for histologic examination only (
N = 4 rabbits for each posttreatment time point).
14 The animals were anesthetized as above and euthanatized by thoracotomy and exsanguination. Both SR muscles were removed, embedded in tragacanth gum, frozen in 2-methylbutane chilled on liquid nitrogen, sectioned at 12 μm, and stored at 80°C until stained. Serial tissue sections were immunostained for one of the following myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms: pan fast (1:40), slow (1:40), developmental (1:20), neonatal (1:20), myoD (1:100) (all from Vector Laboratories., Burlingame, CA), and pax7 (1:500; Developmental Hybridoma Bank, Ames, IA). All tissue sections were either unfixed (MyHC isoforms) or acetone-fixed (Pax7 or MyoD), rinsed in phosphate buffered saline, and blocked in normal serum, followed by incubation in primary antibody. The sections were rinsed, followed by incubation in the sequential reagents (from the Vectastain kit; Vector), with visualization using diaminobenzidine and heavy metal salts of nickel and cobalt. Mean myofiber cross-sectional area and percent myofibers expressing each of the four MyHC isoforms were quantified (Bioquant Prism Image Analysis System; Bioquant Image Analysis Corp., Nashville, TN). For each antigen, three sections were quantified in the orbital and global layers in both the middle and toward the scleral tendon end of both the right and left SR muscles (
N = 10 for each treatment duration [six rabbits after in vitro physiology and four rabbits where the muscles were directly frozen];
N = 6 naive control SR muscles from six rabbits that had no manipulation in either of their orbits). A minimum of 200 myofibers were counted per layer in each tissue section. Pax7- and MyoD-positive muscle precursor cells were quantified as percentage based on the number of positive cells per myofiber number. The percent positive was compared between the orbital and global layers and analyzed for statistical significance using either an unpaired two-tailed
t-test (if two groups were being compared) or an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Dunn's multiple comparison tests (aided by Prism and Statmate software; Graphpad, San Diego, CA) for multiple group comparisons. An
F test was used to verify that the variances were not significantly different. Data were considered statistically significantly different if
P < 0.05.