The perfused eye system has been developed as an effective method of investigating properties of the eye, ex vivo, while maintaining arterial flow and nutritional status within the eye.
42 Advantages of the isolated eye model compared with performing a full animal study include no anesthetic requirements or concern over animal comfort, control over the physiologic environment, reduced animal usage, controlled drug administration, and control of exposure to substances from systemic circulation into the ocular system,
43 making it an ideal model in which to study drug distribution. In the vitreous samples of the perfused eye, a more even distribution of the drug across the front, the middle, and the back of the vitreous was evident, when compared with that of the nonperfused eye. Because flow systems remain operational within the perfused eye, drug movement in the vitreous occurs by both diffusion and convection.
44,45 There has been some debate over the role of convection in drug distribution in the vitreous, with some suggestion that convection plays a role, although the impact is less than that of diffusion,
44,46 whereas other work has suggested that convection will become important only for larger sized molecules.
47,48 Although dexamethasone sodium phosphate is regarded as a small drug molecule, it is clear from the images that drug movement within the nonperfused and perfused eye differ, with drug movement in the perfused eye occurring not only in the posterior direction but also in the anterior direction, where it was also detected in the back section of the lens. Therefore, in this case drug movement is not caused solely by diffusion but also by circulation systems operating within the eye. In the perfused eye, the signal intensity in the retina images was much larger than the signal obtained in the nonperfused eye retina images for both the positive drug fragments and the negative drug fragment F
−. The drug was evident in all retinal cross-sections, demonstrating that dexamethasone sodium phosphate can penetrate from the vitreous completely through the retina to the posterior retina, which is extremely desirable in the treatment of posterior eye disease. The transfer of materials at the retinal pigment epithelium and therefore drug movement from the vitreous to the retina and the choroid is not only controlled by flow systems operating within the eye but is also thought to involve drug transporter systems.
40,41 Previously, the involvement of transporter systems in ocular drug delivery, such as
p-glycoprotein, organic cation transports, and organic anion transporters, has been demonstrated.
42 –44 The involvement of drug transporter systems in dexamethasone movement into the retina was outside the scope of this study; however, the potential impact of drug transporter systems on dexamethasone distribution in ocular tissues should be considered when interpreting the results. Although the signal intensity of drug fragments in the lens is extremely low, the presence of drug within the back section of the lens is apparent, suggesting that dexamethasone will also move toward the anterior eye after intravitreal administration. However, the lack of drug presence in the middle and the front lens sections could suggest that the drug will not move any further forward through the lens and will potentially move back into the vitreous. A similar effect on movement was noted by Tan et al.
49 with intravitreally injected sodium fluorescein in the rabbit eye. Using ocular fluorophotometry, it was shown that sodium fluorescein will penetrate into the ocular lens 2 hours after dosing; however, the substance did not continue a forward diffusion into the anterior chamber but unloaded the absorbed fluorescein back into the vitreous humor 3 hours later. However, due to the short time course of the experiment it is difficult to determine whether the drug would penetrate further into the lens and through to the anterior chamber. It would be interesting in the future to extend the perfusion time and image the drug moving through and out of the lens tissue.