The overall procedure can be regarded as temporal filtering because the spike train decoder calculated its output from the past and present values of the input.
19 When linear mapping is used, the decoding algorithm becomes an optimal linear finite impulse response (FIR) filter.
20 The output of the decoding filter corresponds to the estimated value of the stimulus at the
ith time bin,
i). The decoding filter output,
i), can be written as a function of the firing rates of multiple spike trains as follows:
i) is the estimated value of the input stimulus at the
ith time bin, and
fp (
j) is the
jth coefficient of the linear filter corresponding to the
pth RGC;
rp (
i) is the firing rate of the
pth unit in the
ith time bin of 50-ms duration; and φ(·) represents a general nonlinear function. This equation should approximate the inverse mapping of the neuronal encoding process. When linear mapping is used for the decoding, φ(·) is merely a unity function, and the coefficients
fp (
j) were obtained by the least-squares method as illustrated by Warland et al.
14 More generally, nonlinear regression algorithms, such as multilayer perceptron or support vector machine (SVM), were used for the input–output mapping of the decoding algorithm. Here, we adopted the SVM for nonlinear decoding algorithm, because it is known to provide a good method of nonlinear regression in that it readily provides an optimized structure and parameters with excellent generalization performance.
19,21 The procedure for finding the parameters of an SVM corresponds to a convex optimization problem, and thus, it is guaranteed that the global minimum can be achieved. The specific algorithm of the SVM that we used is described in Hoegaerts et al.