Six primary schools located in Chongming County, Shanghai, China, were identified by using a randomized sampling procedure. The total number of students from the six schools was 1462, with a distribution from the six school being 388, 244, 238, 229, 183, and 180. We intended to select 50% of the 1462 children for examination using a random number table. Estimating an exclusion rate of approximately 10%, we selected approximately 55% children (50%/0.9) for the examination process: 213 (54.9%) of 388, 134 (54.9%) of 244, 131 (55.0%) of 238, 126 (55.0%) of 229, 101 (55.2%) of 183, 99 (55.0%) of 180, and a total of 806 (55.1%) of the 1462 children were invited to participate and all agreed to do so. The participants who had congenital ocular abnormalities, low OCT signals, alignment problems, and intraocular pressure more than 21 mm Hg were excluded. Finally, 192 (90.1%) of 213, 115 (85.8%) of 134, 113 (86.3%) of 131, 110 of (87.3%) 126, 87 of (86.1%) 101, 89 (89.9%) of 99, and a total of 720 (89.3%) of 806 invited children who agreed were included. Written informed consent was obtained from the legal guardians, and verbal consent was obtained from the children at the time of examination. Our study complied with the Declaration of Helsinki.