IGF-I treatment reduced photoreceptor cell death and, in parallel, doubled again the number of microglial cells, specifically in those layers in which IGF-I acts, namely ONL and GCL. IGF-I may induce microglial proliferation because of its action as a potent mitogen for a wide variety of cell types, including peripheral macrophages, an aspect that remains to be studied.
13,44 Microglial cell depletion with clodronate-encapsulated liposomes in IGF-I–treated retinas strongly attenuated the antiapoptotic effect of IGF-I, demonstrating a potential direct or indirect role of microglia in neuroprotection. Microglia-mediated neuroprotection has been described in other parts of the nervous system, in response to other pathologic insults.
20,21 Conversely, in the retina, the best described effect of microglia was neurotoxic.
22 –29 After microglial cell depletion, the neuroprotective effect of IGF-I was considerably diminished, a somewhat surprising observation because of the multiple biochemical and cellular effects displayed by IFG-I.
6 –9 We favor the existence of an amplifying cellular network involving microglial cell recruitment with possible additional effects on Müller glial cells.
45 Indeed, glial response to retinal damage includes reactive Müller cell gliosis, which was observed in the
rd10 retinas (data not shown), microglia-Müller cell crosstalk, and secretion of neurotrophic factors by Müller cells.
46 –48 Certainly, the effects of a single factor, even one as potent as IGF-I, should be considerably less than the effects produced by a putative IGF-microglia-Müller amplifying axis or loop. Further, Müller cells seem to be able to proliferate and transdifferentiate into photoreceptors in damaged retinas,
48 –50 a scenario not covered by our short-term treatments but of interest for possible future therapies.