The tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki were respected. Ethical approval was obtained from St Thomas's Hospital Research Ethics Committee. The experimental specimens comprised 34 paired and 16 unpaired human corneoscleral buttons. These were obtained from UK Corneal Transplant Service (Bristol), immersed in Eagle's minimal essential medium containing 5% dextran, 2% fetal bovine serum, penicillin 100 U/mL, streptomycin 0.1 mg/mL, and amphotericin B 0.25 μg/mL.
On arrival in the laboratory the specimens were placed in minimal essential medium supplemented with dextran 5% (molecular weight, 500,000) and an antibiotic mixture of penicillin (100 U/mL), streptomycin (0.1 mg/mL), and amphotericin B (0.25 mg/mL) (all Sigma-Aldrich, Poole, UK) before being placed in a humidified incubator with 5% carbon dioxide at 37°C.
After 24 hours the corneoscleral buttons were rinsed in culture medium without dextran and central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured ultrasonically (DGH-550 Pachette 2, DGH Technology, Exton, PA) before specimens were mounted in Barron artificial anterior chambers (AAC; Katena Products, Denville, NJ). To provide the corneal endothelium with its physiological environment, we filled the internal reservoir of the AAC with culture medium and maintained it at hydrostatic pressure of 15.0 mm Hg (2000 Pa) with a digital manometer with a resolution better than 1 Pa.
2 A Petri dish with a hole in its base was glued to the locking ring of the AAC and filled with culture medium to the level of the limbus thus exposing the epithelial surface to moist air.
Defining the mechanical properties of a material involves determining its response to change in physical load. Applied load is ordinarily characterized as stress (σ) which, assuming that the load is uniformly distributed and the material homogenous, is defined as
The physical consequence of stress is conventionally expressed in terms of proportional change in dimension or strain (ε), where
Perhaps the single best descriptor of a material's biomechanical properties at low strain is its Young's modulus (
E), which is defined as the ratio of stress to strain or
and so is dependent on both the material's physical properties and dimensions. It is important to note that, in most biological tissues, including the cornea, the relationship between stress and strain is nonlinear, and stiffening occurs as strain is increased.
The optical pathways of the RSSPI instrument constructed are shown in
Figure 1. The device was placed on a vibration-isolating optical table. A polarizing beam splitter was used to render the viewing and illumination systems coaxial, while minimizing unwanted internal reflections. Corneas were illuminated normal to their apex by a 532 μm 50-mW frequency-doubled, diode-pumped YAG laser (GLC-050-S; CrystaLaser LC, Reno, NV) with its beam expanded by a 40× microscope objective. The laser tube was rotated to maximize transmission through the polarizing beam splitter toward the cornea.
Figure 1, it can be seen that light reflected from the surface of the cornea was split via a second beam splitter, such that 50% passed through a biconcave lens (focal length [f] 150 mm) before falling on a concave mirror (
f = −250 mm) and being reflected into the camera while the other 50% was directed onto a plane mirror before being reflected back into the camera. This arrangement provided radial shear, with the relative size of the images, or the shear ratio (μ), being 0.83.
Interferograms were captured on a digital camera with 960 × 960 active pixels and 12-bit resolution (model MDC 1004; Imperx, Boca Raton, FL). To permit phase shifting and enable negative and positive strain changes to be distinguished, we mounted the plane mirror on a calibrated piezoelectric transducer (Piezosystems, Jena, Germany). The process of interferogram acquisition, including phase shifting and interferogram unwrapping, was managed by a commercial system and software (StrainMapper ver. 24b software; Laser Optical Engineering, Ltd., Loughborough, UK, running on a PXI-1002 computer; National Instruments, Newbury, UK). Interferograms were saved in TIFF format, and unwrapped phase-change data matrices were stored as tab-separated text files.
Ideally, speckle-pattern interferometry requires that the tested surfaces reflect light and be optically rough. By contrast, the cornea is highly transparent with little reflection or scatter. To obtain measurements from specimens with properties similar to those of the cornea, industrial surfaces are coated with white aerosol sprays so as to both roughen them and render their surfaces opaque. Although such sprays can be applied to the cornea in the laboratory,
2 they could not be used in vivo, because the solvents they contain would damage the epithelial surface. A variety of alternative surface coatings were trialed during the present study, including powders, paints, and membranes. It was determined that covering the corneal surface with a stretched layer of polytetrafluoroethylene tape (Dupont Chemicals, Wilmington, DE) gave results identical with those when the aerosol spray (Ardrox; Brent, UK) used in a previous ESPI study of the cornea
2 was used.
Before measurement, the corneoscleral buttons were mounted in the AAC and maintained at a pressure of 15.0 mm Hg for at least 5 minutes, to equilibrate.
17 During the measurement process, the corneas were stressed by an increase in anterior chamber hydrostatic pressure from 15.0 to 15.5 mm Hg over approximately 2 to 3 seconds, a magnitude and rate similar to that occurring in vivo with the cardiac pulse.
24 Interferograms were captured immediately, and the measurement process was repeated five times for each cornea.
In an RSSP interferometer, phase change at each point in the compound speckle pattern reflects the rate of change in displacement or strain between its superimposed constituent points. If the
x–y plane is defined as viewing the cornea en face and the
z-axis as perpendicular to that plane (i.e., viewing into the corneal depth), then, when both the viewing and illumination axes are parallel to the
r is the radial distance from the shear center, μ is the shear ratio (0.83), λ is the wavelength of the illuminating laser (532 μm), and φ is the measured phase change.
15 Change in central cornea displacement (
z-axis) can then calculated by integration.
If the cornea is assumed to be part of a thin-walled, isotropic sphere, then its Young's modulus (
E) can be obtained by mathematical analysis based on thin-shell theory.
25 Specifically,
where the assumed constant
v (Poisson's ratio) is 0.49,
26 R (anterior corneal radius of curvature) is 7.5 mm,
R i (transverse radius of the AAC) is 6 mm and η is sin
R i /R), and the measured variables
d is apical rise,
p is pressure change,
t is corneal thickness, and β is
t is corneal thickness and β is
The five data matrices containing phase-change information for each cornea were imported into a commercial program (MatLab r2007a; The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA) and averaged to produce a single data file. This compound result was converted into a strain map using
equation 1 and then integrated to determine change in central corneal displacement, thus permitting Young's modulus to be calculated with
equation 2. Individual CCT measurements were used in all calculations.