Treatment options for exudative AMD have included laser treatment and membrane removal alone or coupled with macular translocation or pigment cell transplantation; however, none of these treatment modalities have resulted in significant visual improvement. VEGF plays a major role in the development of neovascularization in exudative AMD. This has been amply documented by the significant improvement in visual function in exudative AMD patients treated with a number of different VEGF inhibitors.
6 –10 Recently, treatment with a humanized Fab fragment of a monoclonal anti-VEGF antibody (ranibizumab)
7,8 and with the monoclonal antibody itself (bevacizumab)
9,10 has become widespread for the treatment of exudative AMD and other ocular neovascular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy,
11 diabetic macular edema,
12 choroidal neovascularization associated with pathologic myopia,
13 and neovascular glaucoma.
14,15 Even though the development of VEGF inhibitors has transformed the treatment of exudative AMD and other ocular neovascular diseases, the treatment is costly, demanding in logistics of the mostly elderly patients, and certainly not without side effects, such as endophthalmitis, ocular hypertension, and submacular hemorrhage.
16 –18 These side effects appear related to the short half-life of the anti-VEGFs and the repeated intravitreal injections necessary to prevent the recurrence of neovascularization. Even though data on long-term side effects are not known, the inhibitory effects of bevacizumab and ranibizumab on RPE cell proliferation and the inhibition of outer segment phagocytosis by bevacizumab suggest that long-term treatment with anti-VEGFs may lead to undesirable side effects.
19 Ideally, and to avoid possible adverse side effects, inhibition of neovascularization should be achieved by the continuous delivery of a naturally occurring ocular inhibitor of vascularization. Such therapeutic modality can be achieved by having cells being a continuous delivery system. For this purpose, we have transfected human RPE cells with a plasmid encoding the gene for the antivascular and neurogenic factor PEDF. Using nonviral protocols, RPE cells can be transfected with high efficiency, the stably transfected cells secrete a continuous and constant level of recombinant functional PEDF, and the overexpression of PEDF results in the autoregulation of some cells' intrinsic functionalities, as shown by the increased proliferation of the transfected cells and the up-regulation of two zinc transporters, ZnT3 and ZIP2.