One experienced examiner performed TD and SD-OCT consecutively at 8 AM and 6 PM of the same day to measure macular thickness and macular volume.
Because the terminology varies in OCT studies, we define here the terms used: fovea, central 1-mm circle area in a circular macular thickness map; central macular thickness, thickness of the fovea; pericentral macular area, inner (between 1-mm central ring and 3-mm ring) and outer (between 3-mm and 6-mm rings) rings in a circular macular thickness map, consisting of the temporal, nasal, superior, and inferior inner and temporal, nasal, superior, and inferior outer circle areas; pericentral macular thickness, thickness of the inner and outer rings; absolute variation, the difference in the thickness of a parameter at two different times. For example, if M1 was measured at 8:00 AM and M2 at 6 PM, then the absolute variation equals (M1 − M2). The absolute change in thickness is the first of three methods of analyzing the OCT changes shown here; relative variation, absolute variation divided by the initial thickness measurement. Using the same symbols, relative thickness equals [(M1 − M2)/M1]; modulus of absolute variation, the difference in thickness between two measurements made at different times, disregarding its sign. Continuing the example above, the modulus of absolute variation equals |M1 − M2|; modulus of relative variation, the absolute change in thickness divided by the baseline thickness, disregarding its sign. The modulus of relative variation equals [|M1 − M2|/M1].