One critical concern about using perceptual learning to treat amblyopia is whether training with one particular stimulus and task generalizes to other stimuli and tasks. In the spatial domain, it has been found that the bandwidth of contrast sensitivity improvement is much broader in amblyopes than in normals. Because previous studies suggested the local motion deficits in amblyopia are explained by the spatial vision deficits, the hypothesis for this study was that training in the spatial domain could benefit motion perception of sinewave gratings.
Nine adult amblyopes (mean age, 22.1 ± 5.6 years) were trained in a contrast detection task in the amblyopic eye for 10 days. Visual acuity, spatial contrast sensitivity functions, and temporal modulation transfer functions (MTF) for sinewave motion detection and discrimination were measured for each eye before and after training. Eight adult amblyopes (mean age, 22.6 ± 6.7 years) served as control subjects.
In the amblyopic eye, training improved (1) contrast sensitivity by 6.6 dB (or 113.8%) across spatial frequencies, with a bandwidth of 4.4 octaves; (2) sensitivity of motion detection and discrimination by 3.2 dB (or 44.5%) and 3.7 dB (or 53.1%) across temporal frequencies, with bandwidths of 3.9 and 3.1 octaves, respectively; (3) visual acuity by 3.2 dB (or 44.5%). The fellow eye also showed a small amount of improvement in contrast sensitivities and no significant change in motion perception. Control subjects who received no training demonstrated no obvious improvement in any measure.
The results demonstrate substantial plasticity in the amblyopic visual system, and provide additional empirical support for perceptual learning as a potential treatment for amblyopia.
Amblyopia, resulting from abnormal visual experience in the “sensitive period,” is a visual disorder, defined by impaired spatial vision without apparent ocular anomaly, that affects approximately 3% of the general population.
1 In clinical practice, it is widely accepted that amblyopia can be treated in children less than 6 years old by occluding the affected eye or physiologically punishing (e.g., application of atropine) the fellow eye from months to years, but not in older children and adults, because traditional doctrine holds that the visual cortex is hard-wired and no longer subject to therapeutic intervention in older children and adults.
However, many recent perceptual learning studies in adults with amblyopia find substantial improvements in visual tasks.
3 For example, Levi et al.
4,5 trained adult amblyopes in a Vernier acuity task and found that some of the novice trainees improved their performance in the Vernier task as well as their Snellen acuities. Li et al.
6 –8 reported that, after training with a position discrimination task in noise, the amblyopic subjects improved their performance in the task and their visual acuities. Polat et al.
9 and Chen et al.
10 trained their amblyopic subjects with a Gabor detection task with lateral flankers and found that training significantly improved contrast sensitivity and visual acuity. Zhou et al.
11 and Huang et al.
12 designed a simple contrast detection task and trained amblyopic subjects at their individual cutoff spatial frequencies. They found that, after training, the contrast sensitivity and visual acuity of the amblyopic eye improved by approximately 5.7 dB (or 92%) and 4.6 dB (or 69.8%), respectively. Most recently, Liu et al.
13 found training older amblyopic children in a grating acuity task decreased grating acuity by 2.1% for those who had received patching treatment and increased grating acuity by 36.1% for those who had had no patching treatment, along with a boost of single/crowded E acuities by 0.9/0.7 and 1.5/1.2 lines in the two groups, respectively.
Two very important issues, retention and generalizability, must be considered for perceptual learning to become an effective treatment for adults with amblyopia. Retention refers to the ability to retain the effects of learning over time. For example, Li et al.
6 found that the improvement in visual acuity after perceptual learning was stable for at least 1 year. Polat et al.
9 measured the visual acuities of their amblyopic subjects 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after training and found only a small decrement in visual acuity. Zhou et al.
11 reported excellent retention of the training effects for up to 1.5 years. Liu et al.
13 also found that training-induced improvements in visual acuity persisted for 1 year.
Generalizability refers to the extent to which learning effects gained in a particular stimulus, task, and context can be transferred to other stimuli, tasks, and contexts. Specificity or lack of generalizability, which is often found in perceptual learning of normal adult subjects,
14 –20 would render the method less effective; one would have to do perceptual learning in all the potentially important stimuli, tasks, and contexts. Studies on adults with amblyopia have found generalization of perceptual learning from position judgment,
6 –8 contrast detection with flankers,
9,10,21 and contrast detection,
11,12 to visual acuity. Huang et al.
12 systematically studied the degree of generalizability of perceptual learning across spatial frequencies. The bandwidth of improvement was estimated from improvements in the contrast sensitivity function (CSF), that is, the difference between post- and pre-training CSFs (
Fig. 1a). They found that the full bandwidth (at half height) of the improvement in the spatial frequency domain was 4.04 and 1.40 octaves for amblyopic and normal subjects, respectively, and suggested that the broader bandwidth of perceptual learning in adults with amblyopia provides an important empirical basis for using perceptual learning in amblyopia treatment.
In the present study, we investigated whether training in spatial vision could generalize to motion perception of sinewave gratings and, if so, how broad the effects are in the temporal domain. Previous studies suggested that local motion deficits in both anisometropic
22 and strabismic
23 amblyopia are caused by spatial vision deficits. We hypothesized that perceptual learning in the spatial domain would lead to improved motion perception of sinewave gratings.
A two-interval forced-choice (2IFC) grating detection task was used to measure the CSFs of each subject. In each trial, a sinusoidal grating was randomly presented in one of two successive intervals, each lasting 118 ms and preceded by a 259-ms fixation display, in which two vertical and two horizontal line segments outside the stimulus area were used to indicate the center of the display. The two intervals, one with a grating and the other blank, were separated by 500 ms, and a brief tone signaled each interval's onset. Participants were asked to indicate which interval contained the grating via two keys on the computer keyboard. A new trial started 500 ms after each response. No feedback was provided.
To measure the contrast thresholds for motion detection, a 2IFC moving grating detection task was used. In each trial, two 300-ms intervals, each signaled by a brief tone and preceded by a 256-ms fixation display, were presented successively. A moving grating was randomly displayed in one of the two intervals. Subjects were asked to indicate which interval contained the moving grating via two different keys. A new trial started 256 ms after each response. No feedback was provided.
To measure the contrast thresholds for motion direction discrimination, a two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) motion direction discrimination task was used. In each trial, a fixation frame was first shown for 256 ms. A moving grating, either moving to the left or right, was then presented for 300 ms. A brief tone signaled the onset of the stimuli. Subjects were asked to indicate the direction of the motion via two different keys. A new trial started 256 ms after each response. No feedback was provided.
A three-down, one-up staircase
28 that converges to 79.3% correct was used to measure contrast thresholds in all tests. The signal contrast was decreased by 10% (multiplied by 0.9) after every three consecutive correct responses, and increased by 10% (multiplied by 1.1) after every incorrect response.
The same 2IFC sinusoidal grating detection task was also used in the training phase. Each subject was trained near his or her cutoff spatial frequency, defined as the spatial frequency at which the contrast threshold from the pre-training CSF measurement of the amblyopic eye was 0.5. During training, feedback was provided after each correct response. The three-down, one-up staircase method was also used to track the contrast threshold through the whole training session.
Subjects in the training group went through three phases: pre-training tests, training, and post-training retests. In the pre- and post-training tests, visual acuities, and CSFs of both eyes were measured first, and then the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of motion detection and discrimination in both eyes. The order of motion detection and discrimination measurements was counterbalanced across subjects. In the training phase, participants practiced on grating detection in 10 sessions. Participants in the control group took the same set of tests and retests of visual acuity, and MTFs of motion detection and discrimination with a 10-day interval between them, but no CSF measurements and grating detection training.
CSFs were measured in seven spatial frequencies, each with one staircase of 100 trials. MTFs for motion detection and motion direction discrimination were measured in seven temporal frequencies, each with one staircase of 100 trials. All spatial or temporal frequency conditions and therefore staircases were intermixed in a given task.
Subjects were given 100 practice trials in the amblyopic eye before each pre-training test. The results of these trials were used to provide rough estimates of the thresholds and set the starting contrasts of the staircases.
In the training phase, subjects were trained to detect gratings near the cutoff spatial frequencies in their amblyopic eyes. A training session contained nine blocks with 120 trials in each block. Subjects took one training session per day. A session usually took 40 to 60 minutes. Subjects in the training group took 12 measurement sessions and 10 training sessions in 22 days. Subjects in the control group had eight measurement sessions and a 10-day break.