Baseline characteristics of participants across the sexes and ethnic groups were compared by ANOVA or χ2 tests as appropriate. Retinal vascular calibers were examined as continuous measures. General linear modeling was used to determine the associations of physical activity and TV viewing time with retinal vascular calibers. All analyses were performed using statistical analysis/predictive analytics software (SPSS version 17.0.1 for Windows; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Three models were constructed. Model 1 was adjusted for age (in years), sex, ethnicity, and the other vascular caliber (CRAE/CRVE, as appropriate). Model 2 was further adjusted for level of educational attainment (measured in years: <7; 7–10; >10), smoking status (current/ex/non), and for the three categories of TV viewing time in models that examined physical activity and quartiles of leisure-time physical activity (MET minutes per week [MET-min/wk]) in models that examined TV viewing time. Model 3 was additionally adjusted for systolic BP (mm Hg), fasting glucose (mM), serum triglycerides (mM), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c; mM), low-density lipoprotein c (LDL-c; mM), BMI, C-reactive protein, presence of hypertension, presence of diabetes, present alcohol intake (yes/no), total calorie intake (kcal/d), and percentage saturated fat intake. In females, this model was also adjusted for menopause (yes/no) and present use of hormone replacement therapy (yes/no). These had previously been identified by a backward-elimination process as specifically relevant for at least one of the outcomes at the P < 0.2 level. Multicollinearity between covariates was quantified using variance inflation factor and values > 5 were used as a cutoff to eliminate variables. Interactions examined whether associations varied by sex or ethnicity with stratification by sex and ethnic group (Chinese, Malay, and Indian) as appropriate. In ethnicity comparisons, the “Other ” ethnic group was excluded because the small sample size precluded meaningful interpretation.
Because the use of both CRAE and CRVE in the models is likely to induce errors attributed to refraction,
35,36 and in the light of recent evidence on the association of refractive error on retinal vascular geometry measurements,
37 Model 3 was also adjusted for refractive error, using the spherical equivalent of the right eye. This was carried out for the overall and subgroup analyses of associations of physical activity and TV viewing time with CRAE/CRVE.