In this study, we provide the first evidence showing a novel strategy to promote high-risk transplant survival. At least three important conclusions can be drawn from our data. First, a combined blockade of VEGFR-3 and VLA-1 is highly effective in suppressing LG in the inflamed host beds before and after transplantation. This treatment acts to normalize the inflamed tissues and to revert them to a lymphatic-low status. Second, this strategy remarkably promotes transplant survival in the inflamed tissues, which are still endowed with a large amount of blood vessels, indicating that lymphatic but not blood vessels primarily mediate high-risk transplant rejection. Given that blood vessels are important for many other functions essential for transplant survival, such as nutrient supply and wound healing, this novel strategy has the great advantage of selectively inhibiting the unfavorable immune responses while sparing other important functions for transplant survival. Third, a high degree of LG crossing the grafting border contributes to high-risk graft rejection. Reducing LG to a lower level, therefore, should be considered in our future efforts to develop new therapies for high-risk transplant rejection.
Our data showing that high-risk transplant survival is strongly associated with LG across the grafting border is new but consistent with previous studies showing that the lymphatic pathway is essential for mediating corneal transplant rejection. It has been demonstrated that surgical severing of the lymphatic pathway by the removal of draining lymph nodes promoted 100% and 90% of graft survival in low- and high-risk settings, respectively.
23,27 However, surgical lymphadenectomy for promoting transplant survival is not practical in human patients. It is, therefore, critical to identify molecular factors involved in this pathway. This present study thereby bears more clinical significance and may provide an alternative method of molecular lymphadenectomy
17 to promote high-risk transplant survival.
To our knowledge, there have been no studies to date showing the dramatic survival of high-risk transplants as presented in this report. A few molecular pathways have been investigated in the past for high-risk transplant survival, including proinflammatory cytokine IL-1, the costimulatory CD40L (CD154)-CD40, VEGF-A, and VEGFR-3.
11,28 –30 Although the graft survival rate is improved in all these cases, we have only seen results approaching what we observed in this study with systemic anti-CD40L treatment, in both cases achieving 90% graft survival. However, the development of the anti-CD40L strategy in the clinic was impeded by serious thrombotic adverse effects in human patients with systemic autoimmune diseases.
31 In this study, we are able to achieve marked graft survival without any apparent toxicity effects because both antibodies were used at low doses within their safe working ranges. Anti–VEGF-A and anti–VEGFR-3 treatments promote only 23% and 50% graft survival, respectively,
11,30 both of which are significantly lower than what we achieved in this study. Besides graft survival, we demonstrated a strong correlation between high-degree LG crossing the donor-graft border and transplant rejection by observing each individual grafted cornea, which was not reported in previous studies.
The surprisingly high survival rate with the combined treatment may be explained by the fact that in addition to LG, other innate and adaptive aspects of transplantation immunity are regulated. For example, it is known from our low-risk study that neutrophil, macrophage, and T-cell infiltrations are suppressed by VLA-1 inhibition,
20 and the trafficking of antigen-presenting cells to draining lymph nodes is inhibited by VEGFR-3 blockade.
17 A synergistic interplay between the VLA-1 and VEGFR-3 pathways may also exist and may contribute to the high success rate. VEGFR-3 is a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed on lymphatic endothelium, and integrins are ubiquitous heterodimeric proteins important for cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions.
32,33 It has been demonstrated that VEGFR-3 selectively associates with integrin β1 and that their synergistic interactions modulate the functions of lymphatic endothelial cells.
34,35 It is, therefore, possible that a combined blockade of VEGFR-3 and VLA-1 interferes with the synergy between these two pathways and promotes transplant survival, which warrants further investigation.
Studies on the mechanisms of corneal LG and high-risk transplant rejection are important because LG accompanies many corneal diseases after inflammatory, infectious, chemical, or traumatic damages. The inflamed and lymphatic-rich corneas become hostile to transplants, irrespective of current treatment regimens.
2,3,5 Because of the poor prognosis, many patients are not even considered good candidates for transplantation surgery and have to give up their hope for vision restoration. The pharmacotherapy of transplant rejection has changed little in the past decades despite the fact that corticosteroids are of limited efficacy and are fraught with serious side effects, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and opportunistic infections. It is anticipated that this study may offer new insights into high-risk transplantation immunity and may provide new immunotherapies to combat high-risk transplant rejection.
Moreover, this study bears broader implications beyond the treatment of ocular diseases alone. As mentioned earlier, numerous diseases are associated with lymphatic and immune dysfunction in the body, which can be disfiguring, disabling, and even life threatening. During past few years, LG has emerged as a focus of research to reduce cancer metastasis and to promote major solid organ transplant survival.
10,13,14 It is anticipated that beyond its contributions to eye diseases, this research will shed some light on the development of new therapeutic strategies to treat other lymphatic- and immune-related diseases in general.
Supported in part by research grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and the University of California at Berkeley (LC).
The authors thank Statistical Consulting Service at University of California Berkeley for assistance with data analysis; Covella Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Biogen Idec, Inc., for providing VLA-1 blocking antibodies; and ImClone Systems, Eli Lilly and Company, for providing VEGFR-3 blocking antibodies.