This study found that it is possible to combine patient-reported measures and clinical measures on the same interval level linear scale, measuring a latent trait termed cataract impact. The patient-reported measures consisted of two questionnaires, the Catquest-9SF and the Priquest, whereas the clinical measures consisted of three measures of visual acuity. Rasch analysis was used in the development and assessment of this cataract impact model, finding it to be unidimensional and precise and to have adequate targeting. Item-fit statistics were within the predetermined acceptable range, and an excellent person separation of 2.58 was found. This indicates that all the items used were contributory to the measure and that the model is effective in discriminating in terms of cataract impact.
It is hypothesized that a model that measures the cataract impact latent trait may provide a more sophisticated form for prioritizing patients for cataract surgery. In other words, prioritizing patients to the urgency for cataract surgery with a model that incorporates more clinical information than solely relying on the order in which a patient presents (FIFO) better represents clinical acumen. Previous attempts at combining patient-reported measures and clinical measures, such as the NIKE model, have used arbitrary scoring methods for visual acuity and questionnaires.
11 Arbitrary scoring introduces noise and nonlinearity to the score; therefore, it is not an efficient representation of the underlying latent trait. This is overcome with the use of Rasch analysis, which enables the estimation of interval-scaled measures from raw data and uses fit to the model to determine the role of variables.
The cataract impact Rasch-scaled model was tested in comparison with ranking based on FIFO. This comparison involved comparing the rank prioritization of each method. Although arbitrary in approach, the test was to determine whether the two models provided different rank orders. This comparison was based on a hypothetical prioritization system that ranks patients into three groups, depending on urgency: urgent, semiurgent, and routine. For a patient to move from the midpoint of one group to the next group would require a 16.7% change in rank position. In this study with 293 patients, this percentage change correlated to 49 rank positional changes. Two hundred twenty-seven (77.5%) patients were found to move by at least 49 rank positions. The significance of these changes on patient waiting times would depend on waiting list length and scheduling factors. This is important because the challenges involved in implementing a prioritization system must be demonstrably worthwhile. In addition, whether this cataract impact model ranks patients better than FIFO must be tested by a randomized controlled clinical trial. This would involve two cohorts of patients, one ranked according to FIFO and the other ranked according to the cataract impact model, and postoperative outcomes compared. Alternatively, an ideal system for establishing indications for cataract surgery would be for all patients to be examined by the same clinician and for the same clinical acumen to be used to rank patients for surgery urgency. Although this process is underpinned by clinical acumen, a system that evades quantification, all the elements entering the process are quantifiable. To enable this type of prioritization to function in a clinical setting, clinical and questionnaire data could be entered into a computer algorithm that would produce a Rasch-scaled score. Then an automated lookup table, or something similar, could be used by which a specific score would correspond to a specific waiting time period. For example, on a cataract impact scale of 0 to 100, scores within 80 to 90 could correspond to waiting times of 4 weeks. Alternatively, patients could be block ranked from most to least in need for surgery, which would correspond to specific waiting times or surgery sessions.
Such models are welcomed because delays in cataract surgery have been shown to result in decreased quality of life, heightened likelihood of falls, vision loss, and depression.
24 –26 A recent study based in Spain found that patients ranked for surgery by the FIFO system are disorganized in terms of visual problems.
27 The authors also found that longer waiting times resulted in smaller postoperative gains in visual acuity and suggest that rational and homogeneous criteria should be applied to enable patients who require surgery most receive it soonest. When the demand for cataract surgery exceeds the immediate ability to perform it, patients deserve a more rational approach than the FIFO system. Prioritizing patients who require cataract surgery based on a robust model represents a fairer way to manage waiting lists.
One limitation of this study is that only one form of clinical measure—visual acuity—was included in the derivation of the cataract impact model. The infit statistic of visual acuity in the eye waiting cataract surgery tended to misfit the model the most, with an infit MNSQ of 1.50. Although this was within the predetermined acceptable boundaries, it indicates that at least 50% more variance was present in the variable than expected. This may, in part, be due to the known poor correlation between visual acuity and visual disability
29 and likely influenced by the small number of clinical variables within the model. Including additional clinical measurements such as contrast sensitivity and objective measures of cataract grading may improve item fit to the model. This may also provide a more accurate measure of the cataract impact latent trait and deserves further investigation.
In conclusion, it is possible to combine both clinical and questionnaire measures on a single linear scale. Possible applications of such models include prioritizing patients for cataract surgery. More sophisticated models incorporating more clinical measures may provide a better measure of the cataract impact latent trait. Similar models could be developed for organizing waiting lists for other conditions.