Statistical analysis was performed with commercial software (JMP, ver. 8.0 and SAS 9.0, SAS Inc., Cary, NC, and SPSS 17; SPSS, Chicago, IL). All tests were two-sided, and a result at P <0.05 was significant. The independent-samples t-test, paired t-test, and χ2 test were performed to compare clinical characteristics between groups. Linear mixed-effect models were constructed. These models were based on the longitudinal measurement of TSNIT average RNFL as the response. We used both fixed and random effects to investigate the longitudinal change in RNFL thickness over time as a function of TSS and its variability during the follow-up period. Categorical and continuous variables were simultaneously tested for their association with outcome measures as fixed effects. Covariates included in the model as fixed-effect parameters were time as a categorical variable; and TSS absolute difference, baseline TSS, variance of TSS, and change in TSS from baseline as continuous variables, with the latter being time-varying. The interaction between change in TSS and time was also included as a fixed effect. Random effects for “patient” and “eye nested within patient” were included in these models to accommodate serial dependence within eyes over time as well as associations between the left and right eyes. Separate models were constructed for GDxVCC and GDxECC responses. Each model was fit (1) for all eyes, (2) for progressing eyes, and (3) for nonprogressing eyes, as judged by the software (Progressor; Medisoft).
The following is the general equation used for these models:
Yi,j,k represents the individual measurement of TSNIT average RNFL for eye (
j) of subject (
i) at time point (
k); β
0 to β
6 represent fixed effects associated with intercepts and the covariates included in the model;
b i corresponds to the random effect of patient;
bi,j corresponds to random effect of eye (
j) nested within patient; and ε
i,j is the error component.