This study documented population-based data on ocular biometry of Indians in urban Singapore. The mean AL, ACD, and CR of this population were 23.45, 3.15, and 7.61 mm, respectively. A more myopic refraction was predominately explained by longer AL or greater AL/CR ratio throughout the whole age range, although lens NO was also a predictor of refraction in older age groups. Height, time spent reading, and educational level were the most important predictors of AL.
In previous studies,
10,25 –27 AL was measured by A-scan ultrasound biometry which requires corneal surface contact, and the measurement is more time consuming. The noncontact optical biometry measurement which uses partial coherence interferometry technology (IOL Master; Carl Zeiss Meditec) eliminates the deficiency of A-scan ultrasound measurement. It was suggested that the IOL Master is a better predictor of normative ocular biometric data than is ultrasound biometry.
21 Biometry data from ultrasound and laser interferometry may be slightly different.
28 ACD using ultrasound was found to be significantly shorter than that with noncontact measuring systems.
29 Compared with A-scan ultrasound, IOL Master could either overestimate
30 or underestimate
31 AL. IOL Master also does not provide lens thickness measurements.
It is worthwhile comparing our findings with those of the Central India Eye and Medical Study on Indians living in India. The mean AL in that study (22.6 mm) was significantly shorter than in our SINDI study (23.45 mm). The magnitude of the difference is considerable, and it is unlikely to be explained by differences in AL measurement method or age range of the participants. The difference in AL may be explained by a greater degree of urbanization in Singapore and subsequently a higher rate of axial myopia.
Comparing the mean AL among different population-based studies would help to clarify the interethnic variation in AL and its association with refractive errors. Compared with the other two major ethnic groups in Singapore, the mean AL in this Singaporean Indian cohort is similar to that of the Singaporean Malays in the SiMES, but slightly longer than that of Singaporean Chinese in the Tanjong Pagar Survey. However, different age and sex distributions may account for the differences observed among these population-based studies. To compare the association between AL and SE more accurately, we compared the mean AL and SE in different population-based studies in the 40 to 49 years age group since SE is mostly explained by AL and influence by lens opacity is minimal in this age group (
Table 4). We found longer AL to be associated with more negative SE. Singaporean Chinese with the longest mean AL have the most negative mean SE. As can be seen in
Table 4, there was a trend toward longer AL among the populations with more negative SE, although there was no significant difference (
P = 0.08 for men and
P = 0.13 for women) due the small sample size.
In our study, older adults tended to have shorter ALs. This has also been observed in Singaporean Chinese
10 and Singaporean Malays,
12 but not in Latinos,
25 Burmese,
26 and Mongolians.
27 In addition, age was only associated with AL in univariate analyses, and the association disappeared when height and education were adjusted in the multivariate model in our study. This suggests that younger subjects may be generally taller and more educated, which correspondingly make AL longer than those of older counterparts. In SiMES, age was also associated with AL in univariate analysis (
P < 0.001), but was not a significant determinant of AL in the multiple logistic model (
P = 0.55). Although AL may decrease with increasing age,
32 the age pattern for AeL is more likely due to cohort effect than age effect, at least in Singapore.
In our study, longer ALs were found in adults who were taller, more educated, and spent more time on reading. Height was the strongest predictor of AL in prior studies.
10,25,26,33 –35 The association between more time on near work and longer ALs was reported in studies on children, and our study confirmed this association. It was found in Singapore that children who read more than two books per week had ALs that were 0.17 mm longer compared with children who read two or fewer books per week.
14 The mechanism of how near work elongates AL may be the growth induced by excessive accommodation,
36 but this theory remains debatable and has not been supported by findings in animal studies.
37,38 Previous population-based studies on adults have found an association between educational level and AL.
39 In SiMES, increasing AL was associated with higher education level (standardized β = 0.118,
P < 0.001).
12 In the Tanjong Pagar Survey on Singaporean Chinese adults, AL increase by 0.60 mm for every 10 years of education (95% CI, 0.34–0.85).
10 Our study found that this association exists only at college or university educational level. The implications of AL as an endophenotype compared with refractive error should be considered. AL is used as an endophenotype for refraction, since refraction is affected both by genetic and environmental factors, whereas AL may provide a simpler phenotype.
40 However, our study showed that AL is also associated with environmental factors such as near work and educational level, in addition to height. Moreover, AL may be related to genetic variants too. Thus, AL as an endophenotype for refraction is still controversial and should be studied further. Both refraction and AL should be examined in detail in further epidemiologic studies of myopia.
AL is the most important predictor of refraction, with standardized regression coefficients of AL being the largest in all age groups (
Table 3). In younger age groups such as 40 to 49 years and 50 to 59 years, AL accounts for most of the variation in refraction. Although lens opacity became an additional significant predictor of refraction in older age groups, explaining why there was a myopic shift from 60 to 69 to 70 to 83 years. Lens opacity affect refraction through increased power of the more sclerotic lens rather than increased AL.
41 –44 This pattern is supported by the Tanjong Pagar Survey
10 and the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study.
In our study, taller adults were also found to have deeper ACDs and flatter corneas, indicating an overall increase in eye globe size. However, SE correlated weakly with CR or ACD, confirming other reports that AL is the main determinant of SE, whereas CR and ACD are of relatively minor importance. AL/CR ratio correlated even more highly with SE than AL alone in our study. This correlation indicates that longer eyes, including those that are long because of overall body stature, are not necessarily myopic. Eyes that are long because of excessive axial elongation are in fact myopic. In our study, ALs correlated less with CRs in myopic eyes than in nonmyopic eyes, indicating that emmetropization is substantially based on matching AL to CR, and thus this ratio normalizes for overall eye size and its relationship to height.
Our study has several strengths. First, it provides the first population-based data on ocular biometry measured by IOL Master in urban Indians. Furthermore, the sample size is sufficient and the response rate (75.6%) is reasonable. Finally, our study used standardized protocols to obtain biometric measurements and refractive error, which allows comparison of our data to other population-based data. However, there are several limitations of our studies. First, there may be selection bias, as participants were generally younger than nonparticipants. Second, cross-sectional study design could not separate cause from effect when assessing determinants of ocular biometric parameters. Finally, the IOL Master does not measure other important biometric parameters, such as lens thickness and vitreous chamber depth.
In conclusion, in this urban Indian population in Singapore, the mean ocular AL was longer than that of those living in rural India. Longer AL was associated with more time spent reading, higher educational level, and taller stature. Refraction was mostly explained by AL and was partially explained by lens NO in older age groups.
Supported by Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) Grant 08/1/35/19/550 and National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Grant STaR/0003/2008, Singapore.