Figure 3 presents results of two animals (from
n = 8 total). Baseline SD-OCT scans obtained at an IOP of 15 mm Hg are shown in
Figures 3A and
3C, whereas SD-OCT scans obtained after 60 minutes of IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg are shown in
Figures 3B and
3D, respectively. In each panel, the infrared CSLO fundus image is shown at the left, with a pseudocolor representation of retinal thickness overlaid onto the raster scan pattern (thickness values range from 190 μm, blue to 275 μm, green for all panels). In each panel, the SD-OCT B-scan shown to the right is number 29 of 49 (indicated by the
green line in the CSLO image), which crosses the superior pole of the ONH near to the superior edge of the choroidal border tissue (marked in the B-scan by the
blue squares). Note that the ellipse fit to the choroidal border tissue points was always the better match to the optic disc margins apparent in the infrared CSLO images of the rat fundus. The ellipse fit to the BMO was always smaller than the apparent disc margin, reflecting an “overhang” of BM common to all rat eyes studied. Acute IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg resulted in a decrease of tissue thickness within the ONH (i.e., within the choroidal border tissue ellipse) and its immediate peripapillary surround (
Figs. 3B,
green arrows). The blue areas on the pseudocolor thickness maps indicate that retinal thinning during elevated IOP occurred between the optic disc margin and the 5° eccentricity contour. That is, thinning was most prominent within the central circular area (10° diameter). There is also the suggestion in
Figures 3B and
3D that retinal thinning superior to the optic disc was greater than that inferior to the disc.
Figure 4 presents the data for the entire group (
n = 8) and all time points. There was a slight decrease for the global average thickness over the entire scan area during acute IOP elevation (
Fig. 4A;
P = 0.0001). The average thickness for the whole scan area decreased compared with baseline by 2.8%, 3.5%, and 4.3% at 10, 30, and 60 minutes, respectively, after IOP was elevated to 50 mm Hg. Average thickness did not fully recover even after 30 minutes of IOP having been lowered back to 15 mm Hg; average thickness was still 3.5% thinner than at baseline (
P < 0.05).
Figure 4B shows the results for the area within the BMO. Here the tissue thinning was more prominent, with reductions of 16%, 18%, and 20% at the 10-, 30-, and 60-minutes time points, respectively. Average tissue thickness within the BMO area recovered nearly to baseline values at both the 10-minute and the 30-minute recovery time points: there was no significant difference between baseline values and those at either recovery point, and tissue thickness values were significantly increased at both recovery time points compared with the 60-minute IOP elevation time point (
P < 0.05 and
P < 0.01, respectively). However, the group average value was still approximately 6% thinner at both recovery time points compared with baseline. It should be noted that the “thickness” within the BMO ellipse represents the distance from the surface of the optic disc and the spline fit to the BM/RPE segmentation, including the two BMO points in each B-scan. Thus, the thickness values within the BMO represent tissue thickness relative to a reference plane (the BMO) and not to a true anatomic thickness.
Figure 4C shows the results for the central 10° circular peripapillary area, excluding the area within the BMO. Similar to the results for the area within the BMO, peripapillary retinal thickness decreased by 8%, 9%, and 11%, respectively, 10, 30, and 60 minutes after IOP was elevated to 50 mm Hg. Recovery on lowering IOP back to the baseline value of 15 mm Hg was nearly complete at both 10 and 30 minutes; thickness had increased significantly compared with the 60-minute IOP elevation time point (
P < 0.01 for both recovery time points), and neither was significantly different (though they were still thinner by approximately 6% on average) from baseline.
Figure 4D shows the average retinal thickness for four peripheral quadrants. Similar to the behavior observed for the global scan area average, retinal thickness decreased in the peripheral quadrants by 1.3%, 1.9%, and 2.4% compared with baseline but tended not to recover on IOP returning to baseline, with the peripheral average retinal thickness actually decreasing slightly further to 3% below baseline on average, though the values at the 30-minute recovery time point were not statistically different from those at baseline. In general, it can be seen that the effect of acute IOP elevation is much smaller for the peripheral quadrants of the scan area than for the area within the BMO and the peripapillary retina extending to a 5° eccentricity.
Although there was no significant difference in acute IOP effect between the four individual peripheral quadrants, there was a significantly greater effect of acute IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg on the superior peripapillary retina compared with the inferior peripapillary retina (
P = 0.001, time-hemisphere interaction, two-way RM ANOVA) at all three elevated IOP time points (
P < 0.001, Bonferroni multiple comparison post hoc tests for each compared with baseline). This is consistent with the results observed in the pseudocolor thickness maps, as shown, for example, in
Figure 3.
Although the effects of acute IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg on choroidal thickness were significant for the global average scan area (P = 0.0078) and for the central peripapillary area (excluding the area within the choroidal border tissues; P = 0.0008) and the peripheral average (of all four quadrants; P = 0.0078), the effects were more homogeneous throughout the scan area and generally limited to the 10- or 30-minute elevation time points. For example, the global scan area average choroidal thickness decreased from baseline by 9.4%, 12.7%, and 8.1% at 10, 30, and 60 minutes of IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg, but only the 30-minute time point was significantly different from baseline (P < 0.01). Similarly, choroidal thickness decreased by 9.2%, 11.9%, and 9.4% within the peripapillary central area (excluding the area within the border tissues) and by 9.9%, 13.3%, and 8.6% within the four peripheral quadrants, but again only the 30-minute elevation time points were significantly different (P < 0.01) from baseline.
Acute IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg resulted in structural changes similar to those observed at 50 mm Hg. For example, at the 10-, 30-, and 60-minute elevation time points, retinal thickness decreased by only 1.6%, 3.0%, and 1.9%, respectively, compared with baseline for the overall scan area and by only 0.8%, 0.4%, and 1.0% across the four peripheral quadrants; neither regional analysis was statistically significant (P = 0.12 and P = 0.71, respectively). In contrast, tissue thickness within the BMO area decreased by 18%, 22%, and 21% after 10, 30, and 60 minutes of IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg (P = 0.005). Peripapillary retinal thickness decreased by 5.7%, 6.3%, and 6.0% at these time points; however, the overall effect for this region was not statistically significant (P = 0.15) because of the smaller sample size of this group (n = 4). IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg also caused an asymmetrical effect similar to 50 mm Hg, whereby thinning of the superior peripapillary retina was approximately double the magnitude in the inferior region at 10 minutes (P = 0.01) and 50% greater at 60 minutes (P < 0.01). Choroidal thickness changes were again more homogeneous across the scan area, for example, decreasing by 15% for the overall scan area after 10 minutes of IOP elevation (P = 0.07), by 18% for the peripheral quadrants (P = 0.08), and by 10% in the peripapillary central area (excluding the area within the border tissues; P = 0.02). The pattern of change was also similar in the two animals whose IOP was elevated to 40 mm Hg. Tissue thinning was greatest within the BMO area and the peripapillary ring; the latter was greater superiorly than inferiorly, with relatively small changes in the peripheral quadrants. Image quality had degraded slightly by the 60-minute time point in 2 of the 4 eyes whose IOP was elevated to 70 mm Hg, presumably because of transient corneal edema, which had recovered by the 10-minute recovery time point but was still sufficient to complete the B-scan segmentation/editing process without alteration of any methodology.
The most remarkable difference after IOP was raised to 70 mm Hg, compared with 50 mm Hg, was the dramatic reduction of retinal vessel caliber and blood flow at 70 mm Hg. In all four animals whose IOP was raised to 70 mm Hg, the retinal veins collapsed and the major arterial branches exhibited labored pulsation with the cardiac cycle.
Figure 5A shows a single frame from a movie obtained using the CSLO approximately 2 minutes after IOP was raised to 70 mm Hg (
Supplementary Movie S1). It is clear even in this single frame obtained during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle that the retinal veins are largely collapsed and the peripapillary arterial caliber is narrowed. The features of the optic disc are blurred because of posterior deformation relative to the peripheral portions of the fundus image. This pattern persisted beyond the 30-minute time point in all four animals and began to exhibit some recovery by the 60-minute time point (presumably as systolic blood pressure began to increase with increasing duration after anesthesia induction). After IOP was lowered back to the baseline level of 15 mm Hg, the vascular pattern and apparent flow also returned to baseline characteristics.
Figure 5B shows a single frame from another movie obtained in the same eye toward the end of the recovery period (
Supplementary Movie S2).
Peripapillary circular SD-OCT scans from this same eye are shown in
Figure 6. In each panel, the B-scan is shown at the right, and the green line in the CSLO image at the left shows the position and path of the B-scan. Two arteries and two veins are highlighted in
Figure 6A, which was obtained during baseline at an IOP of 15 mm Hg. The “shadows” cast by each retinal vessel are clearly visible through the depth of the B-scan, as are the vessels themselves in cross-section. The inset indicated by the red box is shown in
Figure 6D.
Figure 6B shows the SD-OCT scan obtained 10 minutes after IOP had been elevated to 70 mm Hg. The collapse of the vessels, the veins especially, is evident in both the CSLO image (similar to
Fig. 5) but is also clearly shown across the full B-scan and at higher magnification in
Figure 6E. The vessel shadows are diminished at an IOP of 70 mm Hg, with subtle remnants remaining only for the arteries. This suggests that the blood column and particle motion has decreased substantially at an IOP of 70 mm Hg. On return of IOP to 15 mm Hg (
Fig. 6C), the B-scan and CSLO images recovered the characteristics observed during baseline.
Because changes were evident at the very first IOP elevation time point (10 minutes), an additional experiment was conducted to determine the time course of structural change within that initial 10-minute period. Single-line SD-OCT B-scans were collected in rapid sequence as IOP was elevated to 50 mm Hg (for 30 seconds) and returned to 15 mm Hg (for an additional 30 seconds).
Figure 7 shows single frames from time-lapse movies, which demonstrate that the deformation of the ONH and peripapillary retinal tissues occurred within seconds of IOP elevation and then returned toward baseline, again within seconds, on lowering IOP back to 15 mm Hg. One movie (
Supplementary Movie S3) contains the vertically oriented B-scans through the ONH (
Figs. 7A,
7E), and the other movie (
Supplementary Movie S4) contains the horizontally oriented B-scans through the ONH (
Figs. 7B,
Figures 7A and
7B, the first frame of each movie, were obtained with IOP set to 15 mm Hg.
Figures 7C and
7D were obtained within 10 seconds of IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg, and
Figures 7E and
7F were obtained within 10 seconds of the manometer being set back to 15 mm Hg. The bulk of the structural changes are evident within 10 seconds of the IOP change in either direction. This rapid imaging sequence experiment was repeated in two other subjects, producing the same results.
Because IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg had such a dramatic effect on retinal blood vessel caliber, an analysis was performed to assess whether similar effects occurred when IOP was elevated to 50 mm Hg. Using peripapillary circular B-scans such as those shown in
Figure 6, obtained during the acute baseline with IOP set at 15 mm Hg and at the 10-minute acute elevation time point in the eight eyes elevated to 50 mm Hg, we measured the diameter along the axial dimension of each major blood vessel crossing. There were five to seven major branch vein crossings and four to seven major arterial branch crossings in this group of eight eyes at this eccentricity from the optic disc. At baseline, with IOP set to 15 mm Hg, veins were slightly thicker than arteries (67.6 ± 4.3 vs. 58.7 ± 3.7 μm;
P = 0.0007, paired
t-test). Acute IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg had a significant effect on blood vessel diameter (
P < 0.0001, two-way RM-ANOVA); however, the effect varied, depending on vessel type (
P = 0.0374), such that there was a significant decrease in the diameters of veins (6.9% ± 3.5% thinner;
P < 0.001) but no significant change for arteries (3.1% ± 3.9% thinner;
P > 0.05).
To determine whether acute IOP elevation for 1 hour would result in long-term damage to retinal ganglion cell axons, or in changes to the peripapillary retina, longitudinal evaluation was carried out by SD-OCT, as described in Subjects and Methods.
Table 1 shows the results of longitudinal follow-up. There was no significant effect of time or eye (experimental vs. control) for either peripapillary RNFL thickness (
P = 0.13 and
P = 0.08, respectively, RM-ANOVA) or peripapillary total retinal thickness (
P = 0.82 and
P = 0.16, respectively) in the group with unilateral acute IOP elevation to 50 mm Hg. The experiment had 80% power to detect a 3.25-μm decrease from baseline and 97% power to detect a 10% decrease (4.6 μm). None of the individual eyes (
n = 8 experimental or
n = 8 control) had a decrease of peripapillary RNFL thickness at either follow-up time point that was beyond the lower limit of test-retest repeatability (5th percentile, −13.3%) calculated from the 16 pairs of longitudinal baseline values. One of the experimental eyes and two of the control eyes had peripapillary total retinal thickness values during follow-up that were below the lower limit of test-retest repeatability (−3.0%).
Similarly, there was no significant effect of time or eye for peripapillary total retinal thickness (P = 0.20 and P = 0.21, respectively) in the group with unilateral acute IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg. However, there was a small increase in the peripapillary RNFL thickness in the experimental eyes at 2 and 4 weeks after acute IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg; the effect of eye (P = 0.0141) and eye-time interaction (P = 0.0166) both had a relatively small chance of being caused by random selection. Nevertheless, there was no evidence of RNFL loss in the eyes with acute IOP elevation to 70 mm Hg after 2 and 4 weeks of longitudinal follow-up.