To characterize the possible role of transducin Gtβγ-complex in modulating the signaling properties of photoactivated rhodopsin and its lifetime in rod disc membranes and intact rods.
Rhodopsin photolysis was studied using UV-visible spectroscopy and rapid scanning spectroscopy in the presence of hydroxylamine in highly purified wild-type and Gtγ-deficient mouse rod disc membranes. Complex formation between photoactivated rhodopsin and transducin was measured by extra-metarhodopsin (meta) II assay. Recovery of dark current and flash sensitivity in individual intact wild-type and Gtγ-deficient mouse rods was measured by single-cell suction recordings.
Photoconversion of rhodopsin to meta I/meta II equilibrium proceeds normally after elimination of the Gtβγ-complex. The meta I/meta II ratio, the rate of meta II decay, the reactivity of meta II toward hydroxylamine, and the rate of meta III formation in Gtγ-deficient rod disc membranes were identical with those observed in wild-type samples. Under low-intensity illumination, the amount of extra–meta II in Gtγ-deficient discs was significantly reduced. The initial rate of dark current recovery after 12% rhodopsin bleach was three times faster in Gtγ-deficient rods, whereas the rate of the late current recovery was largely unchanged. Mutant rods also exhibited faster postbleach recovery of flash sensitivity.
Photoactivation and thermal decay of rhodopsin proceed similarly in wild-type and Gtγ-deficient mouse rods, but the complex formation between photoactivated rhodopsin and transducin is severely compromised in the absence of Gtβγ. The resultant lower transduction activation contributes to faster photoresponse recovery after a moderate pigment bleach in Gtγ-deficient rods.
Rhodopsin (Rh), a prototypical member of the G-protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily, is the visual pigment in rod photoreceptor cells of the retina responsible for dim light vision. Upon light excitation and
cis-trans isomerization of its chromophore, 11-
cis-retinal, rhodopsin undergoes several conformational changes leading to the formation of its active state, metarhodopsin (meta) II (meta II, or R*). Meta II interacts with and activates the heterotrimeric G-protein transducin (Gt) by catalyzing the GDP/GTP exchange on Gt α-subunit (Gtα). In turn, Gtα-GTP activates the downstream effector enzyme 3′,5′-cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) by relieving the inhibitory effect of its PDEγ subunit. Activated PDE6 reduces the concentration of the second messenger cGMP in rods, thus causing the closure of cyclic nucleotide–gated channels on the outer segment plasma membrane, cell hyperpolarization, and photoresponse (see Refs.
1 –
3 for reviews).
Gt is a key component in the light-induced signaling cascade of rod photoreceptors (see Refs.
5 for reviews). It is a peripheral membrane protein complex formed by the association of three subunits—Gtα, Gtβ (Gβ1), and Gtγ (Gγ1). Gtβ and Gtγ exist as a heterodimer, which is nondissociable under physiological conditions, with its two subunits depending on each other for proper folding and stability.
6 A Gtα knockout mouse model has demonstrated the essential role of Gtα in phototransduction: rods lacking Gtα are completely insensitive to light.
7 The role of Gtβγ in native rods is less clear. There is evidence that Gtβγ dimer is an inactive partner of Gtα in phototransduction, acting as a scaffold protein responsible for the proper targeting of Gtα toward the disc membranes in which rhodopsin is located.
8,9 In contrast, several other studies suggest a direct role of Gtβγ in the activation of Gt by R*,
10 –14 probably by aiding conformational changes on Gtα to open the nucleotide-binding site, but the exact mechanisms are unknown. Therefore, it is possible that Gtβγ may regulate the functions of Gt at two different stages, first by stabilizing the interaction of the Gtα subunit with R* and second by stimulating the guanine nucleotide exchange on Gtα. Various Gtβγ complexes have been shown to increase the affinity of GPCRs similar to rhodopsin to their Gα signaling partners and to help GPCRs further increase the rate of G-protein activation.
15 –18
Several long-living intermediates (meta I, meta II, and meta III) are formed during the process of rhodopsin photobleaching. They exist in G-protein–dependent equilibria
19 that are also pH and temperature dependent.
20 –23 Among these metaproducts, the active state meta II is the most important for Gt activation.
3,19 Under physiological conditions, meta II (380 nm) either decays thermally on the minute time scale into the apoprotein opsin and all-
trans-retinal by hydrolysis of its deprotonated retinal Schiff base or converts to a meta III byproduct that has a protonated retinal Schiff base and absorbance maximum at 465 nm.
22,24 The two processes take place in parallel. In the absence of peripheral regulatory proteins, mammalian meta III is formed spontaneously from meta II within minutes
24,25 and then slowly decays into free retinal and opsin on a significantly longer time scale. This process is highly temperature and pH dependent.
26 Pioneering work of Emeis and Hofmann
27 and subsequent in vitro studies
28,29 established that Gt modulates the meta I/meta II ratio after bleaching and shifts this equilibrium toward meta II. Similarly, Gt, through its direct interaction with meta III, induces the transition of meta III into meta II-like species.
30 The thermal decay of all rhodopsin metaproducts is a physiologically important process that is crucial for the timely recovery of photosensitivity of photoreceptors during their dark adaptation.
31 Meta III can also serve as an intermediate “storage” form for all-
trans-retinal that is toxic in its free form.
26,32 –34
Early studies on interactions between R* and Gt revealed that only heterotrimeric Gt, but not individual Gt subunits, binds with high affinity to rod outer segment (ROS) membranes in a light-dependent manner.
35 Indeed, structural studies of Gt and rhodopsin have identified potential points of contacts between them; sites on both Gtα and Gtβγ subunits form a continuous receptor-binding surface.
14,36 Although previous nuclear magnetic resonance NMR
37,38 and recent x-ray crystallographic studies
39,40 have shed more light on the structural organization of the meta II–Gt complex, the possible physiological contribution of the Gtβγ complex for modulating the signaling properties of R* and its lifetime remains largely unknown.
We therefore investigated this issue by using highly purified ROS disc membranes and intact rods from mice lacking the Gtγ subunit. This mouse model is advantageous because it is more physiologically relevant than traditional in vitro assays in elucidating the contribution of the Gtβγ complex in visual signal transduction. Elimination of Gtγ expression in mouse rods results in the dramatic loss of visual signal amplification and the accompanying reduction of visual sensitivity at all functional levels.
41 Here we measured the rates of formation and thermal decay and the relative ratios of all rhodopsin signaling states (meta I, meta II, and meta III) by UV-visible spectroscopy at various levels of bleaching and pH conditions. Rhodopsin and meta II were also studied by the conformation-sensitive chemical probe hydroxylamine using rapid scanning spectroscopy. Spectroscopic assays measuring R*-Gt complex formation were complemented with physiological experiments that followed the recovery of rod dark current and photosensitivity after moderate bleaches to trace the quenching of residual activation of phototransduction by metarhodopsins. Overall, experiments described here extend our understanding of the functioning of the Gtβγ complex in mouse rods.
All measurements were performed on a UV-visible spectrophotometer (Cary-50; Varian, Palo Alto, CA). Specific temperatures were maintained with a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder. The sample compartment was continuously infused with dry air.
Near-complete photoactivation of rhodopsin was achieved by illumination of samples for 20 seconds with a 150-W fiberoptic light source passed through a 490 ± 5 nm bandwidth interference filter. Bleaching of 5% rhodopsin was performed with a 505-nm light-emitting diode (LED) flash controlled by a high-power LED driver (pulse duration, 50 ms). For analysis of meta I/meta II equilibrium, membrane suspensions were irradiated as described at 20°C in 20 mM BTP buffer (20 mM Bis-tris-propane, 130 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2) at the indicated pH. The difference spectrum (photoproduct minus dark rhodopsin) was determined immediately after the bleach, and absorbance differences at 380 nm (meta II absorbance peak) were calculated. For analysis of meta I, the difference spectrum (photoproduct minus spectrum obtained after incubation with hydroxylamine for 15 minutes at 20°C after near-complete bleach) was determined, and absorbance differences at 480 nm were measured. All data were normalized to dark rhodopsin.
For analysis of the rate of thermal meta II decay, a series of postbleach spectra was recorded. Then difference spectra were obtained by subtracting the dark state spectrum from sequential postbleach spectra recorded at indicated times. The time-dependent change of absorbance at 380 nm was used to calculate the time course of meta II decay. Data were normalized to dark rhodopsin absorbance. The rate of meta II decay was calculated by fitting the data with a single exponential function in KaleidaGraph 3.6.4.
The assay of meta II formation and decay in the presence of hydroxylamine was performed using rapid scanning spectroscopy, as described.
Meta III formation was monitored by analyzing time-dependent changes of absorbance at 465 nm derived from a series of difference spectra between postbleach spectra and the first light spectrum recorded at time 0, as described.
Animals were dark-adapted overnight, and their retinas were removed under infrared illumination, chopped into small pieces, and transferred to a perfusion chamber on the stage of an inverted microscope. A single rod outer segment was drawn into a glass microelectrode filled with solution containing 140 mM NaCl, 3.6 mM KCl, 2.4 mM MgCl2, 1.2 mM CaCl2, 3 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 0.02 mM EDTA, and 10 mM glucose. The perfusion solution contained 112.5 mM NaCl, 3.6 mM KCl, 2.4 mM MgCl2, 1.2 mM CaCl2, 10 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 20 mM NaHCO3, 3 mM Na succinate, 0.5 mM Na glutamate, 0.02 mM EDTA, and 10 mM glucose. The perfusion solution was bubbled with 95% O2/5% CO2 mixture and heated to 37°C.
Light stimulation was applied by 20-ms test flashes of calibrated 500-nm light. The stimulating light intensity was controlled by neutral-density filters. Saturating test flashes were used to monitor the recovery of rod dark current (I
dark) after bleaching 12% of rhodopsin with a 3.4-second step of 500-nm light. Rod flash sensitivity (S
f) was estimated as the ratio of the amplitude of dim flash responses from the linear range and their test flash intensity. The bleach fraction was estimated from the relation:
F = 1 − exp(-
IPt), where
F is the fraction of pigment bleached,
I is the bleaching light intensity of not-attenuated 500-nm light (6.4 × 10
6 photons μm
2/s), and
P is the photosensitivity of mouse rod at the wavelength of peak absorbance (5.7 × 10
−9 μm
2), from Woodruff et al.
50 Photoresponses were amplified, low-pass filtered (30 Hz, 8-pole Bessel), and digitized (1 kHz). Data were analyzed using Clampfit 10.2 and Origin 8.5 software.
Recovery of Dark Current and Flash Sensitivity after a Moderate Bleach in Wild-type and Gtγ-KO Rods