To explore the correlation between outer retinal substructures and visual acuity in dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Analysis of spectral domain optical coherence tomography datasets from 100 eyes of 100 consecutive patients with dry AMD was performed. The internal limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer (ONL), external limiting membrane (ELM), inner segment-outer segment (IS-OS) junction, outer photoreceptor border, inner and outer retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) borders, and Bruch's membrane, were manually segmented by Doheny Image Reading Center (DIRC) graders. Areas, thicknesses, and volumes of RPE, IS, OS, ONL, and the total retina in the foveal central subfield were correlated with the logarithm of minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) visual acuity using univariable and multivariable regression analysis.
The visual acuity in this group ranged from logMAR 0 to 1.3 with a mean of 0.23. Areas, thicknesses, and volumes of ONL, IS and OS, thicknesses of total retinal and RPE, and intensities of IS, OS, and RPE, showed statistically significant association (P < 0.05) with logMAR best corrected visual acuity. The highest correlations were observed for the ONL (thickness: r = −0.49, volume: −0.47, area: −0.50) and photoreceptor IS (thickness: −0.59, area: −0.63, volume: −0.53). The model with the highest correlation in this study included thicknesses of ONL, IS, OS and RPE, as well as area of ONL, IS, OS, RPE, and intensity of RPE.
Although integrity of outer retinal substructures in the foveal central subfield correlates with visual acuity in the eyes of patients with dry AMD, the correlation is only moderate and does not fully explain the variability in acuity in these cases.
Color photography has traditionally been the gold standard modality for classifying, staging, and quantifying nonneovascular or dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and for monitoring its progression over time.
1 More recently, fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging has been touted for its superior contrast in identifying and quantifying the features of dry AMD, including geographic atrophy. Areas of hyper autofluorescence with blue light FAF have been shown to be associated with early structural damage and functional loss in cases of dry AMD. Different patterns of abnormal FAF have also been described and are believed to represent early changes in dry AMD.
2 More recently, near infrared autofluorescence (NIA), a technique for assessing melanin content (also present in retinal pigment epithelium [RPE]), has also been used to demonstrate abnormalities in dry AMD which have been suggested to represent areas of RPE damage.
3 FAF imaging, however, does not appear to be the optimum tool for quantitative assessment of earlier features of dry AMD such as drusen, and subtle photoreceptor and RPE alterations. As a result, several investigators have explored the feasibility of using optical coherence tomography (OCT) to study dry AMD, particularly with the development of spectral domain OCT (SDOCT) devices, which feature higher resolution, higher speed, and higher sensitivity compared with time-domain OCT.
Schuman and colleagues used SDOCT to identify and classify several different phenotypes of drusen, and also noted thinning of the photoreceptor layer overlying these drusen.
4 Freeman and coworkers performed manual segmentation to quantify drusen volumes and correlated them with Age Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS)-based drusen areas, but did not quantify other outer retinal structures.
5 Fleckenstein and colleagues used SDOCT imaging to study the structural alterations that occur in the retina at the junctional zone between atrophic and uninvolved retina in patients with advanced dry AMD, and noted progressive alterations in the various outer hyperreflective bands.
6 Dinc and coworkers performed microperimetry in patients with intermediate AMD and found evidence of subclinical macular function loss.
7 Midena et al. also found similar microperimetric abnormalities and correlated them with FAF abnormalities, but did not correlate them with OCT findings.
8 Thickening at the foveal site in geographic atrophy not involving fovea described by Schmitz-Valckenberg et al. may reflect a preapoptotic stage of neuronal cellular elements indicating imminent atrophy.
9 Several investigators, including our group, have studied the relationship between OCT features, outer retinal substructures, and visual function.
10 –12 Landa et al. studied the relationship between inner segment-outer segment (IS-OS) junction and visual acuity but did not take into account the quantitative assessment of other outer retinal structures.
13 The relationship between these structures and visual acuity in patients with dry AMD, however, has not been studied quantitatively.
In this study, we report the relationship between visual acuity and outer retinal structural alterations, as quantified by manual segmentation of SDOCT scans, in a cohort of subjects with varying stages of dry AMD.
OCT data were collected from 100 consecutive patients with dry AMD who presented to a tertiary retina practice at the Doheny Eye Institute between September 2006 and March 2009. Approval for data collection and analysis was obtained from the institutional review board of the University of Southern California and the research adhered to the tenets set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki. To be included in the study, patients were required to have undergone macular cube (512 × 128) examination using a single spectral domain OCT (Topcon 3D OCT 1000, Topcon Medical Systems, Paramus, NJ), and were required to have clinical features of dry AMD, ranging from intermediate drusen alone to advanced stages of geographic atrophy. Patients with any evidence of other ocular disease associated with retinal structural changes, or reduced vision, were excluded. Cases that did not have sufficient image quality to permit retinal layer boundary grading were also excluded. Best corrected visual acuity was obtained using Snellen visual acuity charts for all patients. Raw image data were exported from the OCT system for analysis at the Doheny Image Reading Center.
In this retrospective study, we observed a statistically significant correlation between visual acuity and several outer retinal substructures which are believed to be affected by the disease process in dry AMD.
15 The observed correlations from the various substructures appeared to be better than the correlation with total retinal thickness, which is the standard output from most OCT instruments.
In the univariable analyses, FCS thickness, area, and volume of the photoreceptor inner segments appeared to have the most predictive value, followed by the ONL, and the photoreceptor outer segments. This appears logical as these structures are all components of the photoreceptor cell, and one would expect loss of visual acuity if the photoreceptor cell is damaged or lost. These findings are also consistent with previous studies in other diseases, where integrity of the IS-OS junction and the ELM were found to be most important for predicting visual acuity.
16 It is interesting, however, that the inner segment thickness appeared to be more predictive than the outer segment. This is consistent, however, with previous reports that have suggested that phototransduction and visual function can persist in the absence of photoreceptor outer segments.
The other highly predictive element identified from the univariable analysis is the RPE intensity. Quantitative reflectivity parameters have largely been unstudied in previous OCT reports, in part because they are not available as standard output from the commercial OCT instruments, and in part because many investigators presume that reflectivity and signal quality may be affected by a number of factors including the quality of the media. The ability to convey information regarding the status of the media, however, may be precisely why reflectivity parameters may be of value in visual correlative studies. For example, it is not surprising that in a patient with media opacity (e.g., cataract), that the signal strength is reduced thereby reducing the intensity of the structure that is normally the brightest band on OCT B-scans, the RPE. Thus, one would expect the RPE intensity (as well as that of all structures on the OCT) to be reduced in patients with media opacity. Indeed, in a previous study of visual acuity in patients with diabetic macular edema, OCT-derived intensity parameters were also found to be predictive of visual acuity.
Although RPE intensity appeared to be important, RPE thickness or area did not correlate well with the visual acuity. There may be several reasons for this. Though the precise pathogenesis of AMD is unknown, it is generally believed that the photoreceptors, RPE, Bruch's membrane, and choroid are involved. Which structure is damaged primarily or is the inciting or triggering factor is also not well established, though many believe initial damage to the RPE leads to secondary changes in the retina and choroid.
19,20 The RPE may be functionally compromised with consequent damage to the overlying photoreceptors, however, before thinning and frank loss of the RPE occur. This observation would appear to be consistent with the finding by Schuman and coworkers that the photoreceptor layer appears thinner overlying drusen
4 and the observations of Bearelly and colleagues who noted evidence of alterations to the photoreceptors before the RPE at the edges of geographic atrophy (GA).
15 Another potential explanation for the lack of correlation with visual function may be the changes occurring in Bruch's membrane in dry AMD. Bruch's membrane is known to increase in thickness
21,22 in dry AMD due to the accumulation of basal laminar and basal linear deposits. Basal laminar deposits in particular are difficult to distinguish from the outer RPE border and may have compensated for any reduction in RPE cell thickness.
In the multivariate analyses, the best final model for prediction of visual acuity included the thicknesses of the outer retinal structures and the intensities of all the layers of retina. This would again highlight the importance of reflectivity parameters and media clarity in predicting visual acuity. The cumulative
R 2 of the most predictive model was 0.61, suggesting that 39% of the variability in visual acuity remains unexplained. There are several potential explanations which include the fact that while we considered the foveal central subfield, we did not consider smaller zones such as the foveola itself. For example, a subject could have an eccentrically positioned zone of atrophy which involved the foveal central subfield but not the foveal center itself. Such a patient may have significant reduction in thickness values for the various layers, but good visual acuity. Extrafoveal fixation that is known to develop in patients with geographic atrophy involving fovea could be another reason.
23 In addition, structural changes do not always temporally coincide with functional changes. For example, a cell may become dysfunctional but may still appear normal on imaging studies.
While the strengths of this study include the careful segmentation of OCT data in a certified OCT reading center using grading protocols shown to be reproducible, there are several limitations to be considered. First, this is a retrospective analysis, and there may be confounding factors which remain unaccounted for. Second, while dense spectral domain OCT data were collected, thickness calculations still required interpolation between the graded B-scans. Third, the B-scans in this study were acquired without averaging or oversampling, which has been shown to increase the visibility of outer retinal structures, especially the ELM. Thus, structures which were not drawn because they were felt to be missing or discontinuous may have in fact been present but not clearly visible due to the quality of the scan. Moreover, the model developed from this study may not generalize and may only be applicable to the tertiary care retina practice population that was included in this analysis. Finally, we considered a limited number of sub-structures and parameters in this study; it is possible that additional parameters could yield more predictive models.
In summary, quantitative OCT measurements of the outer retinal structures, including both morphometric and reflectivity parameters, correlate moderately with visual acuity in dry AMD. The correlation does not fully explain the variability in visual acuity, but is more predictive than conventional neurosensory retinal thickness. These findings and the model developed in this study may be useful for generating indices of the integrity of the fovea which may be tested in future investigations.
Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 2010.
Supported in part by Carl Zeiss Meditec, Optovue, and Optos (SRS), and the Department of Health's NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology at Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (PAK). The views expressed in the publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of Health.
R.R. Pappuru, None;
Y. Ouyang, None;
M.G. Nittala, None;
H.D. Hemmati, None;
P.A. Keane, None;
A.C. Walsh, Heidelberg Engineering (C), Topcon Medical Systems (R), P;
S.R. Sadda, Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Heidelberg Engineering (C), Allergan (C), Genentech (C), Optos (F), Optovue, Inc. (F), Topcon Medical Systems (R), P