Clarity of vision | 23: At this time, how clear is your vision using the correction you normally use, including glasses, contact lenses, a magnifier, surgery, or nothing at all? | Perfectly clear | Pretty clear | Somewhat clear | Not clear at all | — | — |
| Have you experienced any of the following problems in the last 4 weeks? If yes, how bothersome has it been? Please respond for problems in either or both eyes. If yes, how bothersome has it been? | Yes, very | Yes, somewhat | Yes, a little | Yes, not a lot | No | — |
| 37: Distorted vision? | | | | | | |
| 39: Blurry vision with your eyesight or the type of vision correction you use? | | | | | | |
| 40: Trouble seeing? | | | | | | |
Expectation | 1: If you had perfect vision without glasses, contact lenses, or any other type of vision correction, how different would your life be? | No difference | Small difference for the better | Large difference for the better | I have this already | — | — |
| 28: If you had perfect vision without glasses, contacts, or any other type of vision correction, how much do you think your life would change? | | | | | | |
Near vision | 2: How much difficulty do you have doing work or hobbies that require you to see well up close, such as cooking, fixing things around the house, sewing, using hand tools, or working with a computer? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | Never try to do these activities because of my vision | Never try to do these activities for other reasons |
| 7: How much difficulty do you have reading ordinary print in newspapers? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | Never try to do this because of my vision | — |
| 8: How much difficulty do you have reading the small print in a telephone book, on a medicine bottle, or on legal forms? | | | | | | |
| 11: Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have with your daily activities? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | — | — |
Far vision | 4: How much difficulty do you have judging distances, like walking downstairs or parking a car? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | — | — |
| 5: How much difficulty do you have seeing things off to the side, like cars coming out of driveways or side streets or people coming out of doorways? | | | | | | |
| 6: How much difficulty do you have getting used to the dark when you move from a lighted area into a dark place, like walking into a dark movie theatre? | | | | | | |
| 9: How much difficulty do you have driving at night? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | Never drive at night because of my vision | Never do this for other reasons |
| 10: How much difficulty do you have driving in difficult conditions, such as in bad weather, during rush hour, on the freeway, or in city traffic? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | Never drive in these conditions because of my vision | Never do this for other reasons |
Diurnal fluctuation | 3: How much difficulty do you have seeing because of changes in the clarity of your vision over the course of the day? | Don't have changes in the clarity of my vision | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | — |
| 20: How often are you bothered by changes in the clarity of your vision over the course of the day? | Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Sometimes | All of the time | — |
Activity limitations | 12: Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have taking part in active sports or other outdoor activities that you enjoy (like hiking, swimming, aerobics, team sports, or jogging)? | No difficulty at all | A little difficulty | Moderate difficulty | A lot of difficulty | Never try to do these activities because of my vision | Never try to do these activities for other reasons |
| 33: Because of your vision, do you take part less than you would like in active sports or other outdoor activities (like hiking, swimming, aerobics, team sports, or jogging)? | Yes | No | — | — | — | — |
| 34: Are there any recreational or sports activities that you don't do because of your eyesight or the type of vision correction you have? | Yes, many | Yes, a few | No | — | — | — |
| 35: Are there daily activities that you would like to do, but don't do because of your vision or the type of vision correction you have? | | | | | | |
Glare | 17: How often when you are around bright lights at night do you see starbursts or halos that bother you or make it difficult to see? | All of the time | Most of the time | Some of the time | A little of the time | None of the time | — |
| Have you experienced any of the following problems in the last 4 weeks? If yes, how bothersome has it been? Please respond for problems in either or both eyes. If yes, how bothersome has it been? | Yes, very | Yes, somewhat | Yes, a little | Yes, not a lot | No | — |
| 38: Glare? | | | | | | |
Symptoms | 18: How often do you experience pain or discomfort in and around your eyes (for example, burning, itching, or aching)? | All of the time | Most of the time | Some of the time | A little of the time | None of the time | — |
| 19: How much does dryness in your eyes bother you? | Don't have dryness | Not at all | Very little | Moderately | Quite a lot | A lot |
| 24: How much pain or discomfort do you have in and around your eyes (for example, burning, itching, or aching)? | None | Mild | Moderate | Severe | Very severe | — |
| 25: How often do you have headaches that you think are related to your vision or vision correction? | Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Sometimes | All of the time | — |
| Have you experienced any of the following problems in the last 4 weeks? If yes, how bothersome has it been? Please respond for problems in either or both eyes. If yes, how bothersome has it been? | Yes, very | Yes, somewhat | Yes, a little | Yes, not a lot | No | — |
| 36: Tearing? | | | | | | |
| 41: Itching in or around your eyes? | | | | | | |
| 42: Soreness or tiredness in your eyes? | | | | | | |
Dependence on correction | 13: Do you need to wear glasses or bi-focal lenses or use a magnifier when you are reading something brief, like directions, a menu, or a recipe? | Yes, all of the time | Yes, some of the time | No | — | — | — |
| 14: Do you need to wear glasses or bi-focal lenses or use a magnifier when you are reading something long, like a book, a magazine article, or the newspaper? | | | | | | |
| 15: When driving at night, do you need to wear glasses or contacts? | Yes, all of the time | Yes, some of the time | No | Don't drive at night because of vision | Don't drive at night for other reasons | — |
| 16: At dusk, when it is just starting to get dark, do you need to wear glasses or contacts for driving? | Yes, all of the time | Yes, some of the time | No | Don't drive at dusk because of vision | Don't drive at dusk for other reasons | — |
Worry | 21: How often do you worry about your eyesight or vision? | Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Sometimes | All of the time | — |
| 22: How often do you notice or think about your eyesight or vision? | | | | | | |
Suboptimal correction | 31: How often did you use a type of correction or treatment that was uncomfortable in the last 4 weeks because it made you look better? | All of the time | Most of the time | Some of the time | A little of the time | None of the time | — |
| 32: How often did you use a type of correction that did not correct your vision as well as another correction would have in the last 4 weeks because it made you look better? | | | | | | |
Appearance | 27: In terms of your appearance, how satisfied are you with the glasses, contact lenses, magnifier, or other type of correction (including surgery) you have? | Completely satisfied | Very satisfied | Somewhat satisfied | Somewhat dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Completely dissatisfied |
| 29: In terms of your appearance, is the type of vision correction you have now the best you have ever had? | No change | Small change for the better | Large change for the better | I have this already | — | — |
| 30: In terms of your appearance, is there a type of vision correction that is better than what you have now? | Yes | No | — | — | — | — |
Satisfaction with correction | 26: How satisfied are you with the glasses, contact lenses, magnifier, or other type of correction (including surgery) you have? | Completely satisfied | Very satisfied | Somewhat satisfied | Somewhat dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Completely dissatisfied |