Recently, using SD-OCT, Zweifel et al.
3 described reticular pseudodrusen as discrete collections of hyperreflective material not under but above the RPE and suggested that the accumulated material could be graded by the thickness of the accumulation. The authors proposed a three-stage grading system for reticular pseudodrusen and showed that the thicker aggregates (stage 3) corresponded with the white punctate inclusions in the color photograph. In a previous study,
2 we described a “target” aspect for reticular pseudodrusen and suggested that, for stage 3 (SD-OCT), the visualization of a core on integrated cSLO imaging (IR frames, fundus autofluorescence, and fluorescein angiography) could be explained by the build-up of pseudodrusen passing through different stages. However, the actual build-up and progression over time of pseudodrusen (as visualized by SD-OCT) has not been definitively evaluated in previous studies. Moreover, the possible evolution of stage 3 reticular pseudodrusen on SD-OCT remains to be elucidated. This issue is of particular interest given that it may help in the understanding of why reticular pseudodrusen represent a risk factor for late AMD.
7 –9
In this study, our aim was to analyze the progression, not the prevalence, of reticular pseudodrusen. We investigated changes in pseudodrusen appearance and retinal layer structure over time using the eye-tracker follow-up protocol of Spectralis SD-OCT, which allows reliable detection and assessment of small changes over time. In fact, by using a selected previous reference scan, the Spectralis SD-OCT aligns the reference fundus image with the live patient fundus image at follow-up. The eye tracker recognizes the retina and then directs the SD-OCT scan to the same location, thus eliminating subjective placement of the scan by the operator. The same scanning location during follow-up is not related to the location of the fixation light but to the eye-tracking system and its reference points. The reference points for the eye tracker are anatomic structures at the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope fundus image. As long as there is an overlap of the fundus image for the baseline and the follow-up examinations that allows the identification of enough reference points to align the two images automatically, automatic rescan is feasible. There might be a slight variation in the position of the follow-up scans compared with the baseline examination. Therefore, structural changes might also be due to differences in the scanning position. However, because of the active real-time eye tracker of Spectralis SD-OCT, in most cases, this variation in the position of the follow-up scans should be smaller than the size of the pseudodrusen lesions.
In the current series, 48 pairs of SD-OCT B-scans (at both baseline and follow-up examinations) of 33 consecutive patients (48 eyes) showing reticular pseudodrusen on fundus biomicroscopy, confirmed by IR reflectance, were analyzed in the search for morphologic changes over a 24-month period of the hyperreflective material located above the RPE. Overall, we found that this material progressively thickened and adopted a conical appearance and that, later in its progression, the material faded. This allowed confirmation of the SD-OCT grading system proposed by Zweifel et al.
3 and proposal of a fourth stage in pseudodrusen progression, characterized by material reabsorption and, eventually, migration within the inner retinal layers. Interestingly, progression to stage 3 and stage 4 was always accompanied by significant changes in IS/OS boundary, and all stage 4 pseudodrusen showed a disrupted or absent IS/OS boundary.
Our findings suggest that reticular pseudodrusen are dynamic pathologic structures whose progression on SD-OCT is characterized first by a continuous accumulation of focal material and later by reabsorption and, eventually, migration of the material within the inner retinal layers. We recently reported a similar progression for retinal flecks in Stargardt disease/fundus flavimaculatus.
10 –12 Of note, like Stargardt disease/fundus flavimaculatus, reticular pseudodrusen have been reported to be associated with the development of early-onset macular atrophy.
13 The IS/OS disruption and loss that characterize the advanced stages in pseudodrusen progression may explain why reticular pseudodrusen are associated not only with early onset macular atrophy but with geographic atrophy in AMD
14 (and thus represent a risk factor for late AMD
7 –9 ).
Our study has several limitations. The series here presented is relatively small, and the study period was short. However, one must consider that SD-OCT is a relatively new technology, and, thus, it is not yet possible to have much information without longer follow-up. Moreover, only one high-quality scan per eye was selected and included in the analysis; therefore, only selected deposits were evaluated by SD-OCT. It is possible that other tomographic features were missed in our analysis. In addition, only pseudodrusen showing progression have been selected and included in the analysis, resulting in an opportunity for bias in unmasked analysis. Finally, we investigated reticular pseudodrusen changes over time using the eye-tracker follow-up protocol of Spectralis SD-OCT, which allows reliable detection and assessment of small changes over time, but we cannot be sure whether there was always point-to-point correlation because artifacts might have occurred that led to classification bias. However, we analyzed only high-quality tracked scans that were selected with regard to dominant anatomic reference points, such as blood vessels, to make sure the correlation was perfect and that eye movements were properly compensated for. In turn, correct placement of the OCT cross-sectional images during the follow-up visit was verified by the reader, who searched for the reference points; these are not supposed to change from visit to visit (the invariant reference points have been used to subjectively verify the accuracy of the follow-up images). In such conditions, because of the active real-time eye tracker of the Spectralis SD-OCT, this uncertainty is usually smaller than the size of each individual pseudodrusen.
In summary, using the eye-tracker follow-up protocol of Spectralis SD-OCT, we demonstrated that reticular pseudodrusen are dynamic pathologic structures. Based on the frequency of stage changes over time, we suggest that the hyperreflective material located above the RPE and associated with reticular pseudodrusen progressively thickens. In the advanced stages, the material fades, accompanied by IS/OS disruption and loss. Such morphologic features and peculiar progression may give insight into the pathogenesis of reticular pseudodrusen and may help in the understanding of why it represents a risk factor for late AMD.