The ophthalmic examinations at baseline and follow-up included a medical history, autorefraction (Topcon RM-A2000; Tokyo Optical Co., Tokyo, Japan), keratometry (Topcon OM-4 Ophthalmometer; Tokyo Optical Co.), measurement of the best corrected visual acuity with Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) optotypes, Goldmann applanation tonometry (Haag-Streit AG, Bern, Switzerland; see below), fundus photography of the posterior pole (Topcon TRC-50VT, Tokyo Optical Co., Tokyo, Japan), simultaneous stereoscopic fundus photography of the optic nerve head (Topcon ImageNet System, Topcon TRC-SS2, Tokyo Optical Co.), imaging of the optic nerve head (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph; Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany), and visual field testing (Humphrey Field Analyzer II 740 [HFA]; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany).
The IOP was measured at baseline and at every follow-up round with Goldmann applanation tonometry after applying oxybuprocaine 0.4% eye drops and fluorescein from a paper strip. Three measurements were taken on each eye and the median value of these three measurements was recorded.
33 In the analysis we used the highest median IOP of both eyes.
The visual field of each eye was screened using a 52-point threshold-related supra-threshold test that covered the central field with a radius of 24°.
34,35 Visual field loss was defined as nonresponse to a light stimulus of 6 dB above a threshold-related estimate of the hill of vision in at least three contiguous test points, or four including the blind spot. In participants with reproducible abnormalities on supra-threshold testing, Goldmann perimetry (Haag-Streit AG; baseline and first follow-up)
34 or full-threshold visual field 24 to 2 testing (second follow-up)
36 was performed on both eyes. The classification process of the perimetry test results have been described before.
34,36 In short, visual field loss was considered to be glaucomatous visual field loss only if reproducible and after excluding all other possible causes.
Participants were considered to have incident OAG if neither eye had glaucomatous visual field loss at baseline and at least one eye showed glaucomatous visual field loss at follow-up.
36 Cases with a history or signs of angle closure (gonioscopy was performed in all identified cases) or secondary glaucoma were excluded.