Directing the fovea of the eyes to the target before reach initiation allows the use of high-resolution visual feedback to plan the reaching response before the limb movement begins. Indeed, visually normal participants typically move their eyes to the target before initiating hand movement even during experiments when they are not specifically instructed to move their eyes.
10,11 In addition, the central nervous system may also use extraretinal eye position signals (i.e., efference copy or proprioception) generated by the orienting saccades to update the early motor plan to improve reach performance.
Regardless of viewing condition, control subjects in our study initiated reaching approximately 110 ms after the eyes fixated on the target. In contrast, patients with severe amblyopia spent a significantly longer time planning the reaching movement after fixating on the target before the hand movement was initiated, regardless of viewing condition. Patients may have extended the planning interval to compensate for their poor acuity during amblyopic eye viewing to improve reaching performance. Interestingly, the extended planning interval was also evident during fellow eye and binocular viewing. This finding might be surprising at first glance because the fellow eye had acuity of at least 20/20, and because binocular acuity in 10 patients was comparable with fellow eye acuity (we did not collect binocular acuity in the other 8 patients because this was not part of our original protocol). However, despite normal acuity, deficits in the fellow eye have been well-documented in people with amblyopia, including second-order spatial loss,
35,36 impaired motion processing,
37,38 deficient contour integration,
39,40 and impaired perception of images of natural scenes.
41 It has been hypothesized that these higher-order deficits exist because second-order neurons are binocular and they require normal binocular input during development. Thus, anomalous binocular vision during early development leads to higher-order cortical deficits, which can be detected during monocular viewing with either the amblyopic or fellow eye. This hypothesis is supported by anatomic and neurophysiologic studies which showed that early-onset monocular deprivation leads to a reduced proportion of functionally binocular neurons in primary visual cortex
42 –44 and extrastriate cortex.
45 In addition, suppression of the fellow eye by the amblyopic eye has been documented in cats,
46,47 monkeys,
42 and in humans.
48 Furthermore, binocular suppression is also evident in monkeys
42 and humans,
48 suggesting that while amblyopia disrupts predominantly the excitatory interactions between the two eyes, cortical inhibitory binocular connections are less susceptible to abnormal visual experience. Our results thus provide additional support to the growing body of evidence that abnormal visual processing
35 –38,41,49 and altered motor behavior
23 are also present during fellow eye and binocular viewing in patients.
Patients with mild amblyopia and control subjects had comparable reach planning intervals after fixating on the target. In agreement with previous studies,
12,50,51 control subjects initiated saccades before reaching on > 98% of trials. In contrast, patients with mild or severe amblyopia initiated reaching before saccades on significantly more trials when viewing with the amblyopic eye. More importantly, despite this reversal in eye-hand coupling in patients, reaching accuracy and precision were comparable between trials when saccades were initiated prior to the reach and those when saccades were initiated after the reach. Three explanations are possible. One possibility for a lack of difference in reaching performance between these two types of trials may be due to the relatively small number of trials in which reaching was initiated before saccades. Another possibility is that our subjects did not have to extract any fine details from the visual target when they performed our relatively simple motor task. It remains to be seen whether patients would show altered eye-hand coupling in more difficult visuomotor tasks. A third, and more likely, possibility is that good spatial reaching performance was achieved due to the substantial difference between saccade and reaching duration. In this study, the mean saccade duration was approximately 40 ms, whereas the mean reaching duration was approximately 550 ms for control subjects and approximately 650 ms for patients. This substantial difference between saccade and reaching duration meant that the eyes were able to fixate on the target well in advance of the hand reaching the target. Thus, both patients and control subjects had enough time to update the target's location by using retinal and/or extraretinal feedback to adjust the hand approach trajectory and to modify the landing position of the hand. The ample time allowed them to achieve good reaching accuracy and precision, even in trials when the hand movement was initiated before the saccade.