Individuals were included in the analysis if records were available from at least one visit to an eye care provider (ophthalmologist or optometrist) from 2001 through 2007. Two prevalence estimates were generated: the first based on requiring only one coding of the specified corneal dystrophy and the second a more conservative estimate requiring at least two consistent codings for the specific corneal dystrophy during the defined time period. Since the second estimate required two codings, a prevalence estimation for 2001 would not capture a code recorded in 2000, and so estimates were not included for 2001.
Figure 1 shows the basis for our identification of enrollees who had a corneal dystrophy diagnosis (i.e., numerator data for prevalence rates), which began with 7,977,385 enrollees who had an eye-related visit between 2002 and 2007, inclusive, excluded those enrollees with noncontinuous follow-up and/or data discrepancies, and thereby resulted in 6,626,976 eligible enrollees. Of these, 27,372 had two or more codes for a corneal dystrophy, and an additional 14,250 had one such code. Denominator data relied on the average number of all covered lives in the database, with exclusion for noncontinuous follow-up and data discrepancies.
The following corneal dystrophies were identified, based on ICD-9-CM billing codes: juvenile epithelial dystrophy (Meesmann corneal dystrophy; 371.51), anterior corneal dystrophy (371.52), granular corneal dystrophy (371.53), lattice corneal dystrophy (371.54), macular corneal dystrophy (371.55), and endothelial corneal dystrophy (371.57). Individuals who had codes for the following corneal dystrophies—hereditary corneal dystrophies (371.5), corneal dystrophy, unspecified (371.50), other stromal corneal dystrophies (371.56), and other posterior corneal dystrophies (371.58)—could not be classified as a specific dystrophy and were assigned to a category called unspecified. Since we also wished to characterize the most frequent corneal therapeutic procedures performed in enrollees with corneal dystrophies from 2002 through 2007, these procedures were grouped into keratoplasty (CPT-4 codes 65710, 65730, 65750, 65755, and 65756) and other corneal procedures (codes 65400, 65435, 65600, and 65770). During this time, there was no CPT-4 code distinction between penetrating, lamellar, and endothelial keratoplasty or other keratoplasty approaches.