A retrospective cross-sectional study of all new adult patients seen in a university-based low-vision clinic was undertaken. Institutional review board approval was obtained. This research adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Charts for all new adult patients 19 years or older seen over an 18-month period were reviewed and the following information was collected: age, sex, primary ocular diagnosis, entering distance visual acuity, habitual correction, trial frame refraction, autorefraction, and distance visual acuity measured after trial frame refraction. The variables for habitual correction, trial frame refraction, and autorefraction were expressed as sphere power, cylinder power, and cylinder axis. Data collected were from clinical low-vision evaluations that were performed by an optometrist with residency training in low-vision rehabilitation (DKD, MSS). Manual lensometry was used to determine the habitual spectacle correction. Autorefraction was performed using a Nikon Retinomax Autorefractor (Nikon Retinomax K+, Nikon, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) in dim illumination. The instrument prints a maximum of the last eight measurements and displays a representative value for each eye along with a confidence number based on the variance of the readings (range 1–10; higher numbers equal greater confidence). Confidence numbers of 8 or greater are recommended by the manufacturer. The examiner was not masked to the results of lensometry or autorefraction, and was free to choose either as the starting point for refraction. Monocular trial frame refraction was performed using loose lenses with an end point for spherical correction of the most plus that gave the best visual acuity. Astigmatic correction was determined in the minus cylinder form, using a ± 0.50 D or ±1.00 D hand-held Jackson Cross cylinder lens, depending on which was deemed more appropriate by the examiner. The end point for cylindrical correction was the last cylinder lens in which more power was accepted. Best-corrected visual acuity after trial frame refraction was measured either with a back-illuminated Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) chart or a projected Snellen chart, giving patients credit for each line in which more than 50% of letters were read correctly, as is done in clinical practice. Acuity was not recorded after autorefraction.
Variables were summarized using descriptive statistics. Autorefraction and trial frame refraction data were analyzed only for the better eye because frequently in low-vision rehabilitation a significantly poorer seeing eye will receive a less rigorous refraction than the fellow eye. The refraction data were analyzed per the method of Thibos and colleagues,
9,10 in which the spherocylindrical refractive error is broken down into a power vector. The power vector has three dioptric components: the SE of the refractive error and two cross-cylinders: one at axis 0 (180) degrees (J
0) and the other at axis 45 degrees (J
10 The length of the vector from the coordinate origin of the space to the point in dioptric space occupied by the SE, J
0, and J
45 coordinates represents the overall blurring strength (B) of the spherocylindrical refractive error. Overall blurring strength is the same for a given vector length, regardless of whether the blur is myopic or hyperopic. The following formulas were used
10 :
SE = sphere power + ½ cylinder power
J0 = (–cylinder power/2)cos(2*axis)
J45 = (–cylinder power/2)sin(2*axis)
B =
The SE, J
0, J
45, overall blurring strength, and cylindrical power were determined for all participants as well as subgroups based on best-corrected visual acuity (better than 20/100, 20/100 to 20/200, and worse than 20/200) and age (45 years or younger and older than 45 years). Agreement between trial frame refraction and autorefraction was determined using intraclass correlations, paired
t-tests and Bland-Altman plots.
11 Differences between autorefraction and trial frame refraction were also analyzed using the absolute value of the difference to yield a greater understanding of the magnitude of the difference. Due to the clinical importance of refractive error, the proportion of each of the vector components as well as the overall blurring power that were within ±0.50 D and within ±1.00 D were also determined.
Although power vectors are the most precise representation of a spherocylindrical refractive error, they are not readily used in clinical practice. For that reason, the agreement between trial frame refraction and autorefraction was determined for cylindrical power and axis as well. Statistical significance for all analyses was set at P less than 0.05, two-tailed.