Seven hours after treatment with Lat-B or DMSO, RNA was extracted using a kit (Qiagen RNeasy; Qiagen, Valencia, CA) following the manufacturer's protocol. A 7-hour recovery period after treatment with Lat-B was chosen to ensure that the HTM cellular area and elastic modulus had returned to pretreatment values.
2,15 Semiquantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was performed with 60 ng RNA per sample using a one-step kit (TaqMan) and commercially available primers for 18 S (Hs99999901_s1), SPARC (Hs00277762_m1), myocilin (Hs00165345_m1), ANGPTL-7 (Hs00221727_m1), TGM-2 (Hs01096681_m1), and fibronectin (Hs01549958_m1) in total volumes of 10 μL per reaction (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA). The reverse transcription reaction was performed for 20 minutes at 50°C followed by PCR enzyme activation for 10 minutes at 95°C and 40 cycles of 60°C for 1 minute followed by 95°C for 15 seconds. The cycle threshold (
C t) ranges were 10 to 20 for 18S, 19 to 21 for SPARC, 20 to 22 for fibronectin, 28 to 33 for myocilin, 29 to 33 for TGM-2, and 34 to 37 for ANGPTL-7. The 18S ribosomal RNA served as a reference. At least three reactions were run for each sample, and the experimental setup was performed for HTM cells from three individuals. Gene expression was normalized relative to the expression of mRNA from HTM cells on TCP treated with vehicle (DMSO), which was given a value of 1.0. Specifically, variations in cell density were controlled by loaded equal amounts of RNA into all PCR reactions. To control for slight variations in the amount of RNA loaded into the PCR reactions, the difference in
C t (Δ
C t) between the gene of interest (e.g., SPARC) and the average
C t of the housekeeping gene, 18S (ran in triplicate) were calculated. By calculating the Δ
C t between an experimental condition and the control condition (TCP DMSO), the experimental data were normalized to the control data. Because the control condition was normalized within each experiment, and the cycle thresholds represent logarithmic changes in gene expression, all calculations of the control samples were equal to 1.0 and all experimental conditions are a relative ratio of this value. Ratios with respect to this control were calculated for all other values.