In recent years, a number of studies have measured CT using “enhanced depth” OCT scanning protocols, or using prototype long-wavelength OCT devices.
7 –13,16 –23 However, for the most part, these studies have measured CT at various points along a single, horizontal, and/or vertical OCT B-scan running through the fovea.
7 –13,17 –21 As a result, quantitative information regarding the spatial distribution of CT is limited. In the present study, we address this issue through the manual segmentation of OCT volume scans, allowing us to generate CT measurements for each subfield of the widely used ETDRS grid and to evaluate 2D CT maps. Furthermore, by obtaining OCT volume scans outside the macula (i.e., centered on, and surrounding, the ONH), and combining their projection images, we were able to more accurately analyze the spatial distribution of CT across the posterior pole.
In our study, the subfoveal CT measured 297.8 ± 82.2 μm, thicker than that reported by Manjunath et al. (272 ± 81 μm)
17 and Margolis and Spaide
11 (287 ± 76 μm), but thinner than that observed by Esmaeelpour et al.
13 (315 ± 106 μm) and Ikuno et al.
12 (354 ± 111 μm). In addition, a study by Ikuno et al.,
19 assessing the reproducibility of CT measurements in healthy subjects, reported values of 292.7 ± 77.3 μm using a long-wavelength OCT prototype, and 283.7 ± 84.1 μm using “enhanced depth” imaging (i.e., results very similar to those described herein). Recently, investigators have begun to consider not only CT in the foveal center, but also CT in the various subfields of the ETDRS grid.
22,23 Significant differences were observed, however, in the CT values among studies. For example, whereas mean CT was reported to be 202.6 ± 83.5 μm by Hirata et al.,
23 it was determined to be 355 ± 73 μm by Agawa et al.
22 In our study, we also determined the CT in various ETDRS macular subfields (although the optimum grid or layout for expressing the distribution of CT values is unknown, we used the commonly used ETDRS grid to facilitate measurement comparison between different macular regions). The results of our study suggest that the choroid is thickest, on average, in the superior outer ETDRS subfield and thinnest, on average, in the nasal outer ETDRS field. No statistically significant differences in CT were found among the remaining ETDRS subfields.
Previous studies evaluating CT, using both OCT derived and histologic findings, have found statistically significant negative correlations between CT and age (i.e., decreases in CT with increases in age).
3,11,12 Other studies have also reported an apparent lack of correlation between CT and age.
13 In our study, macular CT was found to correlate significantly with age, but only for the superior outer and inferior outer subfields. We speculate that the relatively narrow age range of subjects evaluated in the present study (32.85 ± 11.45 years) precluded the detection of stronger correlations. Nonetheless, using multiple regression analyses, we found that the most significant models for the prediction of macular CT incorporated AL and/or age. In particular, we found that CT in the central macular subfield decreased 1.95 μm for each additional year of age, or 31.96 μm for each 1-mm increase in AL, findings comparable to those previously reported by Margolis and Spaide.
11 Away from the fovea, increasing age or AL was associated with more dramatic CT decreases in the inferior macula versus those seen superiorly. Similarly, increasing age or AL was associated with greater CT decreases in the temporal versus the nasal macula.
Overall, the pattern of macular CT variation observed in our study differed from that previously reported.
7,11,12,17 For example, although there was a reduction in thickness nasally and temporally, the thickness appeared to increase superiorly and was relatively unchanged inferiorly. In addition, the choroid appeared to show more thinning nasally compared with that temporally. More specifically, macular CT did not appear to change in a consistent manner at varying eccentricities from the foveal center (
Fig. 2F). However, when the center of the ONH was chosen as the reference point, a more consistent spatial relationship was seen (
Figs. 4A,
The choroid immediately adjacent to the optic nerve (“peripapillary”) appeared thin, but increased in thickness with eccentricity from the nerve in all directions (up to a certain point), except inferiorly. This spatial relationship appeared consistent in the posterior pole across all individuals. Thus, in future studies, the ONH center may serve as a better reference point than the foveal center for expressing or depicting regional variations in CT.
The observation of a relatively thinner choroid inferior to the optic nerve is perhaps not surprising and is consistent with previous studies.
12,13 Ikuno et al.,
12 for example, found prominent thinning in the inferior aspect of myopic eyes. They further speculated that the inferior choroid would be thinner even in nonmyopic eyes. Relative depigmentation and atrophy inferior to the optic nerve is common in myopes (who already have a thin choroid to begin with), and may be a reflection of this apparent inferior choroidal thinning. Although it remains unclear why the inferior choroid demonstrates such prominent thinning, we favor the theories put forward by Ikuno et al.,
12 that both a vascular water shed zone and the embryonic location of optic fissure closure may be responsible. A failure of closure of the optic fissure is commonly known to clinicians as a coloboma, which is typically located in the inferonasal quadrant of the globe.
24 Atypical colobomas can also occur without an embryonic fissure defect.
24 Our finding in normal subjects with consistent choroidal thinning inferonasal to the ONH could be interpreted as a remnant of normal embryological development, perhaps conceptualized as a “relative ” coloboma that all healthy eyes express.
Our study has a number of limitations. First, this is a relatively small normative case series that does not include a wide age distribution. Second, due to the lack of an effective automated grading algorithm, CT measurements were obtained from exhaustive manual grading of OCT B-scans. This prevented complete segmentation of 128 B-scans in all cases and ultimately limited the size of the study cohort. However, the mean difference in CT values obtained using 32 B-scans versus 128 B-scans, in the initial five analyzed eyes, was 4.1 ± 3.9 μm (range, 0–10.2 μm), a difference that is unlikely to be clinically meaningful. In addition, good intergrader reproducibility was also confirmed in our study and increases our confidence in the thickness measurement. Third, CT measurements were obtained in some cases using different devices (Cirrus OCT vs. 1050-nm OCT). Although interdevice variability could potentially confound our analyses, comparison of CT measurements derived from two OCT devices yielded a difference of 11.7 ± 9.1 μm, differences that were in the range of intergrader reproducibility, and less than the observed variation in CT between regions. Fourth, a number of factors with a potential influence on absolute CT, such as diurnal variation, blood pressure, other systemic factors, and hydration status, for example, were not controlled for. Despite this, since the principal goal of this study was to evaluate relative regional variations, this failure may be less relevant. A final potential limitation is that the use of an ETDRS grid may not constitute the optimal design for the analysis of regional CT variations. This grid, however, is well recognized and may facilitate comparisons with thickness measurements of adjacent structures such as the neurosensory retina. New measurement grids, perhaps centered on the optic nerve, should be considered for future CT studies.
In summary, the findings from our study suggest that CT measurements in ETDRS macular subfields appear thickest in the superior outer macula and thinnest in the nasal outer macula, without significant differences among the remaining subfields. The regression models using AL and/or age as the predictors for macular CT were statistically significant. Macular CT appears to decrease with increasing AL and/or age. Significant variations in CT were noted among individuals, but consistent/characteristic patterns of spatial variation were observed, particularly when considering CT changes relative to the optic nerve center. Thus, in future studies, the ONH may serve as a better reference point than the foveal center for expressing or depicting regional CT variations.
Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant He 6094/1-1, National Eye Institute Grants EY03040 and R01 EY014375, and grants from Research to Prevent Blindness and the Department of Health's National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology at Moorfields Eye Hospital and University College London Institute of Ophthalmology.
Y. Ouyang, None;
F.M. Heussen, None;
N. Mokwa, None;
A.C. Walsh, P;
M.K. Durbin, Carl Zeiss Meditech (E);
P.A. Keane, None;
P.J. Sanchez, None;
H. Ruiz-Garcia, None;
S.R. Sadda, Heidelberg Engineering (C), Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Optovue Inc. (F), Optos (F), P