Twenty-three new patients ranging in age from 28 to 79 years (mean ± SD, 57 ± 12 years; 7 men, 16 women) and diagnosed with ev-DED caused by posterior blepharitis resulting from MGD were enrolled in this prospective study. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Valladolid and followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. The nature of the study and the procedures involved were fully explained to all participants, and written informed consent for participation in this prospective research study was obtained from each subject. Detailed ophthalmologic examination was performed at baseline and after 8 weeks of treatment. There were six inclusion criteria for this study. The first was the presence of dry eye-related symptoms for more than 12 months, as assessed by two questionnaires. The symptoms of discomfort questionnaire (SODQ)
30,31 consists of eight questions, scored from 0 to 4, with a maximum global score of 32. There is no cutoff defined for this test, so we assumed that anything but 0 meant that at least one mild symptom was present. The symptom assessment in the dry eye (SANDE version 1) questionnaire
32 uses two 100-mm visual analog scales. The subjects are asked to put a mark on one line to depict the extent of symptom frequency and on another line to indicate symptom severity. The other five inclusion criteria included no previous treatment other than unpreserved artificial tears for the past 3 months, meibomian gland secretion alteration defined as plugging and pouting of the gland orifices and/or thick lipid secretions after digital expression,
33 Schirmer test-I showing ≥5 mm wetting in 5 minutes,
34 tear break-up time (TBUT) ≤10 seconds,
35 and mild to negative (≤1) corneal fluorescein and conjunctival rose bengal staining scored according to the Oxford scheme.
36 These inclusion criteria ensured that patients with aqueous-deficient DED were excluded and that only ev-DED patients with posterior blepharitis were included.
2,3,37 Conjunctival hyperemia was also evaluated using a slit-lamp and was graded on a scale from 0 to 4, according to Efron's classification.
38 Tear meniscus height,
39 phenol red thread test,
40 and tear lysozyme concentration
41 were also determined. Patients with history of contact lens wear, ocular diseases other than ev-DED, rosacea, ocular surgeries in the past 12 months, systemic disease other than hypertension or hypercholesterolemia controlled with no drugs, ocular or extraocular allergies, and systemic or ocular therapies other than artificial tears for the past 3 months, as well as patients who were pregnant or nursing, were excluded from the study.