Decorin gene transfer has been reported to significantly attenuate fibrosis in many nonocular tissues such as heart, kidneys, and lungs.
25 –32 Recently, we reported significant inhibition of TGFβ-induced transformation of human and rabbit corneal fibroblasts to myofibroblasts and profibrogenic genes with decorin gene transfer.
33 Decorin is a small, leucine-rich proteoglycan that has been shown to play an important role in the regulation of various ocular and nonocular diseases.
24,38 –40 In the cornea, decorin is expressed in the stroma and contributes to the maintenance of clarity and structural integrity of the corneal stroma required for normal vision.
4,24,41 In addition to decorin, other proteoglycans such as biglycan, fibromodulin, mimecan, keratocan, and lumican are expressed in the cornea and have been shown to play a role in corneal healing and homeostasis.
42 –44 Recently, we investigated the levels and localization of decorin and TGFβ in normal and PRK-injured rabbit corneas at various time points, to better understand the function of decorin in the cornea.
20,24 The results of these studies revealed that decorin plays an important role in preventing scar formation in the cornea by hindering TGFβ activity. Decorin, an endogenous inhibitor of TGFβ, has been shown to regulate the TGFβ signal transduction pathway through its interaction with low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein-1 and the decorin endocytic receptor.
24,40 Furthermore, decorin modulates signaling of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR) and insulin-like growth factor-I and its receptor.
24,40 Based on the fact the decorin binds to all three isoforms of TGFβ with equal affinity and TGFβ is a key modulator of corneal fibrosis, we postulate that observed antifibrotic effects of decorin gene therapy in rabbit cornea in vivo are due to modulation of TGFβ signaling by decorin. Future studies will test this hypothesis to gain understanding of the molecular mechanism associated with corneal scar inhibition by decorin.