Aquavella 17 | 1975 | Trypan blue, SEM | H | Stored corneas |
Sperling 18 | 1977 | Alizarin red + trypan blue | H | Stored corneas |
Basu 19 | 1978 | Trypan blue, para nitroblue tetrazolium, SEM | H, R, GP | Stored corneas |
Binder 20 | 1978 | Nitroblue tetrazolium, SEM, TEM | R | Stored corneas (postmortem cell damage) |
Schrapel 21 | 1982 | Toluidine blue | P | Stored corneas |
Singhl 22,23 | 1985 | Trypan blue | H, P | Stored corneas (toxicity tests) |
Madden 24 | 1987 | Trypan blue, nitroblue tetrazolium, acridine orange, fluorescein diacetate, ethidium bromide, SEM | H | Stored corneas |
Hartmann 25 | 1989 | Janus green | P | Stored corneas (toxicity tests) |
Means 26 | 1995 | Alizarin red + trypan blue, calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer | H | Stored corneas |
Salla 27 | 1995 | Succinate dehydrogenase staining | H | Stored corneas |
Wusteman 28 | 1997 | Acridine orange + propidium iodide, confocal microscopy | R | Stored corneas |
Kent 29 | 1997 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer | H | High-diopter myopic PRK or LASIK |
Wusteman 30 | 1999 | Acridine orange + propidium iodide, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy | P | Cryoconservation |
Albon 31 | 2000 | Hoechst, TUNEL assay, immunostaining (active caspase 3) | H | Stored corneas |
Koh 32,33 | 2000 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer | H, B | Stored corneas |
Gain 7 | 2002 | Trypan blue + TUNEL assay | H | Stored corneas |
Engelman 34 | 2004 | Immunostaining (integrins and tight junction), perfusion studies | H | Bioengineered endothelium |
Joyce 35 | 2004 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer, TUNEL | R | Viability after endothelial transfection |
Sikder 36 | 2006 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer | H | Precut lamellar graft (femtosecond laser) |
Steinhardt 37 | 2006 | Calcein-AM | B | Stored corneas |
Suwan-Apichon 38 –40 | 2006 | Alizarin red + trypan blue, ultrasonic pachymetry | H | Precut lamellar graft (manual, femtosecond laser, DSAEK) |
Ide 41,42 | 2007/8 | Alizarin red + trypan blue | H | Whole lamellar graft process (DSAEK) |
Mehta 43 | 2008 | Trypan blue, SEM | H | Lamellar graft introduction techniques (DSAEK) |
Slettedal 44 | 2008 | Immunostaining (n-cadherin), SEM | H | Stored corneas |
Amato 45 | 2009 | Trypan blue | H | Precut lamellar graft (DSAEK) |
Kim 46 | 2009 | Alizarin red, pachymetry, SEM | P | Femtosecond laser trephination for PKP |
Proulx 47 | 2009 | Alizarin red, immunostaining (Na/CO3, ZO-1, Na/K-ATPase), SEM, TEM | F | Bioengineered endothelium |
Yoeruek 48 | 2009 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer, immunostaining (ZO-1, connexin-43, Na/K-ATPase, and cytokeratin-3), phase-contrast microscopy | H | Bioengineered endothelium |
Wolf 49 | 2009 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer + Hoechst, * pachymetry, optical coherent tomography | H | Stored corneas (deswelling) |
He 50 | 2010 | Calcein-AM + ethidium homodimer + Hoechst,* immunostaining (ZO-1) | H | Endothelial transfection (electroporation of stored corneas) |