The zonule of Zinn is named for Johann Zinn, who described it in his 1755 monograph
Descriptio Anatomica Oculi Humani Iconibus Illustrata.
1 The zonule, often referred to as the ciliary zonule, is the circumferential suspensory ligament that connects the lens of the eye to the ciliary body. The zonule is composed of an elaborate system of fibers that spans the gap between the lens and the adjacent nonpigmented ciliary epithelium (NPCE). This fibrous rigging ensures lens centration. In species that accommodate, the zonule transmits the forces that flatten the lens, allowing the eye to focus on distant objects.
For an anatomical feature first described more than 250 years ago, our understanding of the structure and composition of the ciliary zonule has emerged only slowly and to this day remains incomplete (see overviews of early research
2–4 ). Histologically, the ciliary zonule belongs to a class of connective tissue elements called oxytalan fibers, a group that includes the periodontal ligament. Oxytalan fibers are characterized by their inability to take up aldehyde fuchsin stains unless first treated with strong oxidizing agents such as peracetic acid.
5 The difficulty in visualizing the zonule in histological sections is compounded by problems observing the zonule in the living eye, where the iris and sclera block direct observation. Dissection of the eye to expose the zonular fibers inevitably disturbs their three-dimensional organization. Similarly, analyses of fixed eyes by conventional
6–8 or environmental scanning electron microscopy,
9 while providing exquisitely detailed views, suffer from preparation artifacts associated with fixation and/or drying of the delicate fibrous material. Only with the introduction of noninvasive techniques, such as high-resolution ultrasound, has it been possible to visualize the organization of the zonule in undisturbed, living eyes.
10,11 Anatomical studies have focused on the organization of the ciliary zonule in humans and monkeys. The zonular apparatus in primates consists of a complicated arrangement of fibers that originate at the ciliary body and terminate on the lens capsule. Conventionally, the fibers are divided into anterior, equatorial, and posterior groupings, according to their point of attachment on the lens surface.
12 It is not known how this complicated rigging arises during development.
Fibrillin is a relatively recently identified component of the extracellular matrix.
13 It is a large (350-kDa) cysteine-rich glycoprotein and, along with microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1 (Magp1),
14 the principal structural component of the ciliary zonule.
15 Three fibrillin isoforms (fibrillin 1–3) are known in humans, although proteomic analysis of the zonule suggests that fibrillin-1 predominates.
15 Fibrillin is a common constituent of force-bearing structures such as blood vessels, lungs, and ligaments and is usually organized into 10- to 12-nm-diameter microfibrils.
16 Fibrillin can be found in association with an elastin core or, as in the ciliary zonule, in elastin-free bundles.
17 Mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene (
FBN1) underlie Marfan syndrome (MS), a disorder of connective tissue characterized by problems with skeletal, pulmonary, and cardiovascular systems. More than 600 different
FBN1 mutations have been identified to date.
18 People with MS are often unusually tall, with long limbs and long, thin fingers. Ocular manifestations of MS such as ectopia lentis and high myopia are common,
19 and both are included in the revised Ghent nosology for the disease.
Unsurprisingly, biochemical and anatomical studies of the ciliary zonule have concentrated on the primate eye; relatively few studies have examined the ciliary zonule in the mouse. As a nocturnal animal with little or no accommodative ability, the mouse might seem an unpromising model for human ocular disease. However, mouse models of MS and other connective tissue disorders have begun to provide valuable insights into the role of fibrillin in human disease.
21 To fully utilize these powerful models in ocular studies requires a thorough analysis of fibrillin expression in the wild-type mouse eye and a careful assessment of the anatomy and composition of the ciliary zonule.